
3e91f5be3c9c203523158706b735cce8dacc5231 — Ihor Radchenko 1 year, 1 month ago 936101d
* org-syntax.org: Clarify about blank lines after footnote-definitions

(Blank lines): Mention that footnote-definition contents does not
include blank lines after the definition.

Reported-by: Tom Alexander <tom@fizz.buzz>
Link: https://orgmode.org/list/6dd08eb7-9468-402d-bf88-eefb01442b99@app.fastmail.com
1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

M org-syntax.org
M org-syntax.org => org-syntax.org +4 -4
@@ 90,10 90,10 @@ A line containing only spaces, tabs, newlines, and line feeds (=\t\n\r=)
is considered a /blank line/.  Blank lines can be used to separate
paragraphs and other elements.

With the exception of [[#Items][list items]], blank lines belong to the preceding
element with the narrowest possible scope.  For example, if at the end
of a section we have a paragraph and a blank line, that blank line is
considered part of the paragraph.
With the exception of [[#Items][list items]] and [[#Footnote_Definitions][footnote definitions]] blank lines
belong to the preceding element with the narrowest possible scope.
For example, if at the end of a section we have a paragraph and a
blank line, that blank line is considered part of the paragraph.

** Indentation