@@ 90,10 90,10 @@ A line containing only spaces, tabs, newlines, and line feeds (=\t\n\r=)
is considered a /blank line/. Blank lines can be used to separate
paragraphs and other elements.
-With the exception of [[#Items][list items]], blank lines belong to the preceding
-element with the narrowest possible scope. For example, if at the end
-of a section we have a paragraph and a blank line, that blank line is
-considered part of the paragraph.
+With the exception of [[#Items][list items]] and [[#Footnote_Definitions][footnote definitions]] blank lines
+belong to the preceding element with the narrowest possible scope.
+For example, if at the end of a section we have a paragraph and a
+blank line, that blank line is considered part of the paragraph.
** Indentation