@@ 57,18 57,34 @@ Activate evaluation of =ditaa= source code blocks by adding =ditaa= to
'((ditaa . t))) ; this line activates ditaa
+** Customization Options
+Org needs to know a few things about =ditaa= and the =java= executable in order to function. The following is a list of variables that can be customized.
+- org-ditaa-jar-path :: The path to the =ditaa= jar file.
+- org-babel-ditaa-java-cmd :: The name or path to the Java executable used to run the =ditaa= jar file.
+- org-ditaa-eps-jar-path :: The path to the =ditaaeps= jar file. [[https://ditaa-addons.sourceforge.net/][DitaaEps]] is maintained as part of the [[https://ditaa-addons.sourceforge.net/][ditaa-addons]] project.
+- org-ditaa-jar-option :: The prefix used before the =ditaa= jar path. The default is =-jar=.
* Babel Features for ditaa Code Blocks
** Header Arguments
- - file :: =ditaa= source code blocks require that an output file be specified
- - cmdline :: specify [[http://ditaa.sourceforge.net/#usage][command line arguments]] for =ditaa=
- - java :: arguments for the =java= runtimes (JRE)
+ - file :: the output filename (mandatory)
+ - cmdline :: [[http://ditaa.sourceforge.net/#usage][command line arguments]] for =ditaa=
+ - java :: arguments for the =java= runtimes (JRE)
+ - eps :: produce an =eps= output file using =ditaaeps=
+ - pdf :: produce a =pdf= output file using =ditaaeps= followed by =epstopdf=
** Sessions
=ditaa= does not support sessions.
** Result Types
=Ditaa= source code blocks return a link to a [[http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/][png]] bitmap file.
* Examples of Use
+** Hello World
The obligatory Hello World! example in =ditaa=:
+#+NAME: hello-world.org
+#+BEGIN_SRC org :exports code :results replace
+,#+NAME: hello-world
+,#+HEADER: :exports results
,#+BEGIN_SRC ditaa :file images/hello-world.png
| |
@@ 76,9 92,11 @@ The obligatory Hello World! example in =ditaa=:
| |
-#+header: :exports results
+#+RESULTS: hello-world.org
+#+NAME: hello-world
+#+HEADER: :exports results
#+BEGIN_SRC ditaa :file images/hello-world.png
| |
@@ 87,23 105,29 @@ The obligatory Hello World! example in =ditaa=:
+#+RESULTS: hello-world
+** Passing command-line options to =ditaa=
Now, round all corners by passing =ditaa= the =-r,--round-corners=
command line switch.
-#+BEGIN_SRC ditaa :file images/hello-world-round.png :cmdline -r
+#+NAME: hello-world-round.org
+#+BEGIN_SRC org :exports code :results replace
+,#+NAME: hello-world-round
+,#+HEADER: :exports results
+,#+BEGIN_SRC ditaa :file images/hello-world-round.png :cmdline -r
| |
| Hello World! |
| |
-#+header: :exports results
+#+RESULTS: hello-world-round.org
+#+NAME: hello-world-round
+#+HEADER: :exports results
#+BEGIN_SRC ditaa :file images/hello-world-round.png :cmdline -r
| |
@@ 112,6 136,6 @@ command line switch.
+#+RESULTS: hello-world-round