M archive/fireforg.org => archive/fireforg.org +1 -1
@@ 51,7 51,7 @@ The following notes should be taken into consideration before using Fireforg:
plain text on the harddrive might not be what you want.
- Firefox will read and look through the registry file for the
currently viewed site. Depending on the size of the registry file
- and on the options [[id:e77f15a8-c358-44fd-a207-8c422fee2d1e][Lookup links on page load]] and [[id:d73476f3-6c09-479c-abea-f33d3e0e074a][Prefetch links to extract DOI]]
+ and on the options [[*Lookup links on page load][Lookup links on page load]] and [[*Prefetch links to extract DOI][Prefetch links to extract DOI]]
this might slow down the browsing experience.
* Installation