
2a9f083d21753cff2e6c3512e5256f702835a244 — Karl Voit 1 year, 4 months ago eee4cb2
org-tutorials: GLT21: Emacs Org mode Features You May Not Know
1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

M org-tutorials/index.org
M org-tutorials/index.org => org-tutorials/index.org +3 -3
@@ 96,10 96,10 @@

* Org not-so-hidden gems

This blog post lists some useful Org features that are often
overlooked by new users:

- [[https://bzg.fr/en/some-emacs-org-mode-features-you-may-not-know.html/][Org-mode features You May Not Know]], Bastien
  - This blog post lists some useful Org features that are often overlooked by new users.
- [[https://karl-voit.at/2021/04/10/GLT21-emacs-org-features/][GLT21: Emacs Org mode Features You May Not Know]], Karl Voit
  - The blog article with notes about the [[https://media.ccc.de/v/glt21-251-emacs-org-mode-features-you-may-not-know][screencast demo]] of some features mentioned in Bastien's article above plus some additional ones.

* Power users describe their setup