@@ 47,28 47,9 @@
-* Template Checklist [12/12] :noexport:
- - [X] Revise #+TITLE:
- - [X] Indicate #+AUTHOR:
- - [X] Add #+EMAIL:
- - [X] Revise banner source block [3/3]
- - [X] Add link to a useful language web site
- - [X] Replace "Language" with language name
- - [X] Find a suitable graphic and use it to link to the language web site
- - [X] Write an [[Introduction]]
- - [X] Describe [[Requirements and Setup][Requirements and Setup]]
- - [X] Replace "Language" with language name in [[Org Mode Features for Language Source Code Blocks][Babel Features for Language Source Code Blocks]]
- removed this so that the max header depth is two
- - [X] Describe [[Header Arguments][Header Arguments]]
- - [X] Describe support for [[Sessions]]
- this is a kind of header, so it is described there
- - [X] Describe [[Result Types][Result Types]]
- this is best done in the results section, since that's where types are used
- - [X] Describe [[Other]] differences from supported languages
- - [X] Provide brief [[Examples of Use][Examples of Use]]
+* Template Checklist [0/1] :noexport:
+- [ ] Check if :shebang tip is correct. It refers to cleaning output.
+ Is that just a bug which the :shebang execution path sidesteps?
* Introduction
# - Brief description of language.
@@ 227,12 208,14 @@ shells.
- [[results][:results]]
+- [[dir][:dir]]
- [[session][:session]]
+ [[async][:async]]
- [[var][:var]]
- [[https://orgmode.org/manual/Noweb-Reference-Syntax.html][:noweb]]
- [[https://orgmode.org/manual/Extracting-Source-Code.html][:tangle]]
Shell specific:
- [[stdin][:stdin]]
- [[cmdline][:cmdline]]
@@ 316,6 299,51 @@ created which contains the output. The results contains a link to the file.
: : 1526 5064 6484
: : 1526 5064 6484
+** Dir <<dir>>
+=:dir <path>=
+Use the =:dir= header to specify the default directory to use during
+*TIP* Use =:dir= to execute commands on a [[https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Remote-Files.html][remote server]]. See [[https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/org/Environment-of-a-Code-Block.html#Choosing-a-working-directory-1][Choosing
+a working directory]] to learn more about =:dir=.
+Open an SSH connection to a server and create a file if it doesn't
+already exist.
+: #+begin_src bash :results output :dir /ssh:user@localhost:/home/user
+: if [ ! -e "foo_file" ];
+: then
+: echo "foo" > foo_file
+: echo "Created foo_file"
+: else
+: echo "foo_file already exists!"
+: fi
+: #+end_src
+: : Created foo_file
+/Example (with sessions):/
+It also works with sessions!
+: #+begin_src bash :results output :dir /ssh:user@localhost:/home/user :session *remote*
+: if [ ! -e "foo_file" ];
+: then
+: echo "foo" > foo_file
+: echo "Created foo_file"
+: else
+: echo "foo_file already exists!"
+: fi
+: #+end_src
+: : foo_file already exists!
** Sessions <<session>>
=:session <session-name>=