
Web application to subscribe to mailing lists
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You can also use your local clone with git send-email.

ℹ️ The development repository is hosted on SourceHut.

If you use mailgun.com, mailjet.com or sendinblue.com to manage contacts/mailing lists but do not want your users to share data with an third-party sign-up form, Subscribe can help.

If you have several mailing lists (possibly handled by several different providers among mailgun.com, mailjet.com or sendinblue.com) and want to list various list subscription options on a single page, Subscribe can help.



  • Support mailgun.com, mailjet.com or sendinblue.com mailing lists
  • Include/exclude mailing lists one by one or with regular expressions
  • Let the admin of a list receive an email every x subscriptions
  • Customize the HTML header and footer of the web interface
  • Use your own stylesheet (as long as it's based on bulma.io)
  • UI and transactional emails in english and french


Configuring subscribe is done in two steps: you first need to set environment variables for global options (including the default credentials for transactional emails), then to edit the config.edn file for mailing lists.

#1. Set up environment variables

Application variables:

export SUBSCRIBE_PORT=3000
export SUBSCRIBE_BASEURL="http://yourdomain.com"

Email credentials:

export SUBSCRIBE_SMTP_LOGIN="postmaster@xxx"
export SUBSCRIBE_SMTP_PASSWORD="your-password"
export SUBSCRIBE_SMTP_HOST="smtp.mailgun.org"

Backend-specific variables:

# To handle mailgun.com mailing lists:
export MAILGUN_API_BASEURL="https://api.mailgun.net/v3" # or "https://api.eu.mailgun.net/v3" for EU domains
export MAILGUN_API_KEY="your-key"

# To handle sendinblue.com mailing lists:
export SENDINBLUE_API_KEY="your-key"

# To handle mailjet.com mailing lists:
export MAILJET_API_KEY="your-key"
export MAILJET_API_SECRET="your-password"

Note that only mailjet.com requires both an API key and password, mailgun.com and sendinblue.com only requires an API key.

#2. Define options in config.edn

Copy config_example.edn to config.edn and edit it.

The mandatory configuration options are :admin-email and :backends.


~$ git clone https://git.sr.ht/~bzg/subscribe
~$ cd subscribe/
... [Set up your environment variables and config.edn]
~$ clj -M:test


#With clj -M:run

... [Set up environment variables]
~$ git clone https://git.sr.ht/~bzg/subscribe
~$ cd subscribe/
... [Edit config.edn to configure mailing lists]
~$ clj -M:run

Then go to http://localhost:3000 or to your custom base URL.

#With java -jar

... [Set up environment variables]
~$ git clone https://git.sr.ht/~bzg/subscribe
~$ cd subscribe/
... [Edit config.edn to configure mailing lists]
~$ clj -M:uberdeps
~$ java -cp target/subscribe.jar clojure.main -m core

#With docker

Assuming your environments variables are stored in ~/.subscribe_envs and you want to expose the 3000 port:

~$ git clone https://git.sr.ht/~bzg/subscribe
~$ cd subscribe/
... [Edit config.edn to configure mailing lists]
~$ docker build -t subscribe .
~$ docker run -it -p 3000:3000 --env-file=~/.subscribe_envs subscribe

Then go to http://localhost:3000.


Contributions are welcome. You can send feedback and patches to ~bzg/dev@lists.sr.ht. For patches, please configure your local copy of the repository to add a prefix to the subject line of your emails:

~$ git config format.subjectPrefix 'PATCH subscribe'

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© 2019-2024 Bastien Guerry

subscribe is licensed under the Eclipse Public License 2.0.