@@ 18596,11 18596,12 @@ variable ~default-directory~. Setting =mkdirp= header argument to
a non-~nil~ value creates the directory, if necessary.
Setting =dir= to the symbol ~attach~ or the string ~"'attach"~ will
-set =dir= to the directory returned by ~(org-attach-dir)~, set =:mkdir
-yes=, and insert any file paths, as when using =:results file=, which
-are under the node's attachment directory using =attachment:= links
-instead of the usual =file:= links. Any returned path outside the
-attachment directory will use =file:= links as per usual.
+set =dir= to the directory returned by ~(org-attach-dir)~, set
+=:mkdirp yes=, and insert any file paths, as when using =:results
+file=, which are under the node's attachment directory using
+=attachment:= links instead of the usual =file:= links. Any returned
+path outside the attachment directory will use =file:= links as per
For example, to save the plot file in the =Work/= folder of the home
directory---notice tilde is expanded: