
f83bfe15af692b560282160f5c2270b9b7fd5530 — Bastien 1 year, 11 months ago 5b4e2ff
README*: Add examples
2 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

M README.md => README.md +10 -1
@@ 1,6 1,6 @@

# Choices
# `Choices`

`Choices` lets you build a single page application to let users traverse
a set of related options and get feedback from their choices.

@@ 23,6 23,15 @@ a set of related options and get feedback from their choices.
3.  Check your web browser on <http://localhost:9500>

# Usage

Here are some examples where `Choices` is used:

-   <https://guide-juridique-logiciel-libre.etalab.gouv.fr/>
-   <https://guide-juridique-open-data.etalab.gouv.fr/>
-   <https://publiccodenet.github.io/assessment-eligibility/>

# Contribute

Contributions are welcome.  You can send feedback and patches to

M README.org => README.org +9 -1
@@ 1,6 1,6 @@
#+title: Choices: build SPA to let users explore a (decision-)tree

* Choices
* =Choices=

=Choices= lets you build a single page application to let users traverse
a set of related options and get feedback from their choices.

@@ 20,6 20,14 @@ a set of related options and get feedback from their choices.
2. Compile with =clj -A:fig= or =lein fig:build=
3. Check your web browser on http://localhost:9500
* Usage

Here are some examples where =Choices= is used:

- https://guide-juridique-logiciel-libre.etalab.gouv.fr/
- https://guide-juridique-open-data.etalab.gouv.fr/
- https://publiccodenet.github.io/assessment-eligibility/

* Contribute

Contributions are welcome.  You can send feedback and patches to