
Minimal blog and site generator written in ruby
Add new website to sites page
Include build config
Setup sourcehut build config for srht pages


browse  log 



You can also use your local clone with git send-email.


  • Minimal blog and static site generator
  • Licensed under MIT
  • Discussion, patches etc. go to the list
  • The "w" is silent...


  • ruby (ruby-dev if needed)
  • ruby gems: kramdown and rss

#Getting Started

Make your changes in the main configuration file _config.yml file (site URL, your name, etc.).

  • Blog posts go under the posts directory as markdown files
  • Posts need to be structured with an h1 on the first line, a space on the second, and the date on the third line (ie. 2024-07-20)
  • Pages go under the pages directory as markdown files
  • Media (images, videos etc) go in the root public directory
  • Main styling is found in public/style.css (feel free to get creative!)


  • The homepage only displays the first 5 posts. You can configure this in _config.yml under post_count.
  • The full blog post index will be generated at yoursite.com/posts
  • This means you need to have a posts.md file in your pages directory (or change posts_index the core _config.yml)


  1. wruby is based off of Ruby 3.3.3 (use rbenv or rvm to avoid privilege conflicts)
  2. Install dependencies: gem install 'kramdown:2.4.0' 'rss:0.3.0'
  3. Run make build in the root directory
  4. Upload build folder to your server
  5. Share your blog or site!
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