
Lightweight Desktop installer for FreeBSD based on the suckless philosophy
Update README, include emoji support package in dependencies
Update README to include contributing instructions
Use proper screenshots folder


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You can also use your local clone with git send-email.

#Suckless Beastie


Submit changes, patches or suggestions via email here

Lightweight Desktop installer for FreeBSD based on the suckless philosophy. Includes my own custom set of suckless tools (dwm, slstatus, dmenu, etc.)

Screenshot of dwm running on FreeBSD

Successfully installed on:

  • ThinkPad X220

#What You Get

The Suckless Beastie installer gives you the absolute barebones desktop experience:

  • dwm for window management
  • Firefox as your core web browser
  • aerc for your terminal-based mail client
  • slock for screen locking
  • scrot/slop for simple screenshot utilities
  • dunst for notifications


  1. Download the latest FreeBSD iso and follow the installer
  2. Login as root
  3. Install git, vim, bash, doas
  4. Edit/create doas permissions (/usr/local/etc/doas.conf):
permit nopass :wheel

(Also ensure your main user is added to the wheel group):

pw groupmod wheel -m username

Now logout and log back in as your main user.

Clone the main installer project:

git clone https://git.sr.ht/~bt/suckless-beastie

cd suckless-beastie


  1. Install dependencies
  2. Compile and install suckless software


Before running the installer, be sure to edit the main install.sh file and change the username "bt" to your own:

mkdir /home/bt/.suckless
cd /home/bt/.suckless

Then you are free to install:

cd suckless-beastie # CD into this repository
doas sh ./install-dependencies.sh # Install FreeBSD packages
doas sh ./install.sh # Build and install suckless tools
cp .xinitrc ~/.xinitrc # Apply .xinitrc

#Xorg Permissions

Add your main user to the video group:

pw groupmod video -m username

#Setting Up Graphic Cards (Optional)

pkg install drm-kmod

Edit /etc/rc.conf based on your graphic card:

# Intel
sysrc kld_list+=i915kms
sysrc kld_list+=amdgpu

#Finishing Touches

Reboot the machine. Log in as your main user. Run:

Do not follow this link