2020 Day 16
2020 Day 15
Day 14 2020
2020 day 13
Add 2020 Day 12
Day 10p2 and Day 11 for 2020
Part one of 2020 day 10
Add 2020 Day 9
Templater support for python, days 7 + 8 for 2020
Start working on AoC 2020 in Python
More day 18 p2, unsuccessfully
Day 17p2 and 18p1
reviving the A* solution for day17, even though it's slower
Functional day 17 part 1
A flawed approach to Day 17
Clippin' day 16
Day 16
Clippy D15 Apparently I'm a little overzealous with the `.into_iter()`s
Day 15
Day 14 P2