
554ad4d1f5f72eb5a4b46469451a9bb69e1f2999 — Brad Clawsie 1 year, 10 months ago ea8edaa master
v0.007; documentation
2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

M Changelog
M lib/Lang/Go/Mod.pm
M Changelog => Changelog +8 -2
@@ 8,5 8,11 @@
  - Add some metadata for metacpan

0.004 2021-07-29
- Merge https://github.com/bradclawsie/Lang-Go-Mod/pull/1 for
  comment processing
  - Merge https://github.com/bradclawsie/Lang-Go-Mod/pull/1 for
    comment processing

0.006 2023-01-16
  - Add support for "retract" sections

0.007 2023-01-25
  - Documentation updates

M lib/Lang/Go/Mod.pm => lib/Lang/Go/Mod.pm +12 -5
@@ 13,7 13,7 @@ use Path::Tiny qw(path);

# ABSTRACT: parse and model go.mod files

our $VERSION   = '0.006';
our $VERSION   = '0.007';
our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:bclawsie';

our @EXPORT_OK = qw(read_go_mod parse_go_mod _parse_retract);

@@ 246,28 246,34 @@ Lang::Go::Mod - parse and model go.mod files
   # require (
   #    golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20210510120138-977fb7262007 // indirect
   # )
   # retract (
   #    v1.0.0 // this version should not be used
   # )

   use Lang::Go::Mod qw(read_go_mod parse_go_mod);

   my $go_mod_path = '/path/to/go.mod';

   # read and parse the go.mod file
   # all errors croak, so wrap this in your favorite variant of try/catch
   # to gracefully manage errors
   my $m = read_go_mod($go_mod_path);
   # use parse_go_mod to parse the go.mod content if it is already in a scalar
   # my $m = parse_go_mod($go_mod_file_content);

   print $m->{module}; # github.com/example/my-project
   print $m->{go}; # 1.16
   print $m->{exclude}->{'example.com/whatmodule'}; # [v1.4.0]
   print $m->{replace}->{'github.com/example/my-project/pkg/app'}; # ./pkg/app
   print $m->{'require'}->{'golang.org/x/sys'}; # v0.0.0-20210510120138-977fb7262007
   print $m->{retract}->{'v1.0.0'}; # 1


This module creates a hash representation of a C<go.mod> file.
Both single line and multiline C<exclude>, C<replace>, and C<require>
sections are supported. For a full reference of the C<go.mod> format, see 
Both single line and multiline C<exclude>, C<replace>, C<require> and C<retract>
sections are supported. For a full reference of the C<go.mod> format, see


@@ 280,10 286,10 @@ return the hash representation of the contents. All errors C<croak>.

=head2 C<parse_go_mod>

Given a scalar of the contents of a C<go.mod> file, parse it and 
Given a scalar of the contents of a C<go.mod> file, parse it and
return the hash representation of the contents. All errors C<croak>.

=head1 LICENSE 
=head1 LICENSE

Lang::Go::Mod is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.

@@ 292,5 298,6 @@ L<https://opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license-2.0>

Ben Bullock (L<https://github.com/benkasminbullock>)
Brad Clawsie (L<https://b7j0c.org>)
