
HTML5 parser for Chawan
Version 1.0.3
Conform strict defs
Version 1.0.2



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#Chame: an HTML5 parser library in Nim


Include Chame in your project using either Nimble or as a git submodule.

requires "chame"
# optional, if you want support for charsets other than UTF-8
requires "chagashi"

Then, check the documentation for a description of the API.

Note: only Nim 1.6.10+ is supported.


  • Full compliance with the WHATWG HTML parsing standard
  • Passes all tokenizer and tree builder tests in html5lib-tests (except for ones requiring JS)
  • Includes a minimal DOM implementation
  • No mandatory dependencies other than the Nim standard library
  • Optional character encoding support (see minidom_cs)
  • String interning support for tag and attribute names
  • Support for chunked parsing
  • document.write (no actual implementation here, but it's possible to implement it on top of Chame)


There is a manual available at doc/manual.md.


At this point the library is complete. The only remaining tasks are optimization-related.

Also, a small module for basic minidom utilities is planned.

#Bugs, feedback, etc.

Feedback, complaints, etc. are accepted at SourceHut or the Nim forum thread.


#Does Chame include a DOM, JavaScript, CSS, ...?

Chame just parses HTML and calls the callbacks supplied to it. JavaScript, DOM manipulation, etc. are technically outside the scope of this project.

However, Chame includes a minimal DOM interface (intuitively named minidom) for demonstration and testing purposes. This only implements the very basics needed for the parser to function (and for the tests to pass), and does not have any convenience functions (like querySelector, getElementById, etc.)

Please refer to the Chawan web browser for an example of a complete DOM implementation that depends on Chame.

Also see CSS3Selectors, a CSS selector library for Chame's minidom which allows you to run querySelector like you can in JS.

If you implement a DOM library based on Chame, please notify me, so that I can redirect users to it in this section.

#I read the manual, but it's too complex, I don't understand anything, help

Just call minidom.parseHTML on an std/stream.Stream object and forget about everything else. Chances are this is enough for whatever you want to do.

#How do I implement speculative parsing?

No idea. Let me know if you figure something out.

#How do you pronounce Chame?

It is an acronym of "Chawan HTML (aitch-tee-em-el)." Accordingly, it is pronounced as "cha-meh."


SerenityOS's HTML parser has been used as a reference when I found some parts of the specification unclear.

Servo's HTML parser html5ever has been the main inspiration for Chame's API.

Finally, thanks to the standard writers for writing a very detailed specification of the HTML5 parsing algorithm. The bulk of Chame is a direct translation of this algorithm into Nim.


Chame is dedicated to the public domain. See the UNLICENSE file for details.

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