Mycorrhiza Wiki 1.10.0 This update is concerned with cleaning stuff up. Refactorings were held, things were removed, &c. The most notable changes are as follows: * Old heading syntax is deprecated. All hyphae using it will be migrated automatically. * The /about page is now useful. * /orphans is introduced. * data-rrh-addr attribute is introduced. Read more on the wiki: Timur Ismagilov (82): Implement viewutil.Base Alias views.Base to a wrapper to viewutil.Base Use viewutil.Meta in many places Move package categories to the root level Categories, views: Refactor the list view Categories, views: Refactor the cat page view Categories, views: Implement viewutil.Chain Categories, views: Give the card view its own file, make title a block Categories, views: Unexport stuff Categories: Log category mutations Categories: Localized titles Categories: Rename exported functions Misc: Make the new package Misc: Port /list to the new approach Misc: Move more stuff here Misc: Move more stuff here, including title search Please staticcheck Backlinks: Isolate Update Mycomarkup: Migrate to v4 Isolate help Help: Wording Help: Bring the topic sidebar closer About: Wording Merge branch 'master' into pkg-revolution Merge pull request #143 from bouncepaw/pkg-revolution Help: Horizontal line -> Thematic break Categories: Keep them sorted Mycomarkup: Update to v4.0.1 About: Recreate using <dl> Viewutil: Fix the link to profile Change version to 1.10.0 About: Make a little better Replace bullet-less lists with numbered lists Get rid of div.layout, center header on two-columnar layout Align left sidebars properly on very wide screens Embed data-rrh-addr attribute on all pages Reimplement Navititle with go templates Title search: Fix a bug and show No results instead of empty list when no results Title search: Fix a bug and show No results instead of empty list when no results Reimplement empty hypha notice with go templates Editor: Make the textarea bigger Title search: Results have indices instead of bullets now Img: Put captions to the right for normal galleries Empty hyphae: Fix the message for wikis with auth Editor: Fix preview Auth: Fix the links appearing on anonymous wikis Mycomarkup: Update to v4.0.2 Fix deletion of media hyphae with no text Implement /orphans Docs: Describe orphans CSS: Use less classes robots.txt: Allow /list, disallow /orphans Auth: Do not let users with weird characters in name register Auth: Do not load users with weird characters in names About: Show the registration limit History: Isolate primitive diff History: Isolate recent changes Viewutil: Introduce ExecutePage Viewutil: Introduce CopyEnRuWith Recent changes: Translate to Russian Copyedit History: Isolate /history/ History: Isolate feeds History: Rename the web package History: Translate /history/ History: Fix some issues with the views History: Generate correct anchors for headings on history pages Admin: Isolate the panel view Do not print the git dir path Write heading migrator Mycomarkup: Update to v4.2.0 Help: Do not mention legacy headings Interwiki: Start implementing Interwiki: Implement (*Wiki).canonize Interwiki: Implement /interwiki Fix revisions for deleted hyphae Fix primitive diffs for deleted hyphae Fix revision texts for deleted hyphae Fix /history/ <title> Update Update Umar Getagazov (2): Update help: update config file reference