@@ 1,21 0,0 @@
-* TODO Quotified code → ready-to-eval scheme code [prepare syntrans]
- Every plugin provides alist _agidel-arities ((cons function-name
- arities)…). Each arity is a list of symbol {q e}, where q means that
- an arg has to be quoted, and e means that the arg has to be evaled.
- Quoted args shall be quoted, evaled args should be transformed to
- function invocations or valid scheme data types or kinda like that
- idk. Like that:
- #+BEGIN_SRC scheme
- ; so a plugin provides such alist:
- test-plugin/_agidel-arities
- > ((foo q e) (bar e e))
- ; and there is code like that:
- (bar "test" (foo (elt elt elt) "test"))
- ; after evaluation it becomes:
- (test-plugin/bar "test" (test-plugin/foo '(elt elt elt) "test"))
-* TODO Ready-to-eval scheme code → final code [aeval syntrans]
- Afterwards the code above has to be evaluated. Chicken can do it by
- itself, this syntrans is meant to wrap it into syntrans interface.