M README.adoc => README.adoc +231 -24
@@ 10,16 10,17 @@ https://asciidoctor.org/[Asciidoctor]! asciidoctor-p2e is an
https://docs.asciidoctor.org/asciidoctor/latest/extensions/[extension] for
AsciiDoctor that makes it easier to create stylized content for the
https://paizo.com/pathfinder[Pathfinder Second Edition roleplaying system].
-Your years of searching are at an end, for this extension supports NPC/Creature
-stat blocks, a stylized Table of Contents, decorated Sidebars, and
-Pathfinder-style headers. All of which will be demonstrated in cloying detail!
+Your years of searching are at an end, for this extension supports creature
+stat blocks, item stat blocks, hazard stat blocks, a stylized Table of
+Contents, decorated Sidebars, and Pathfinder-style headers. All of which will
+be demonstrated in cloying detail!
You can find the git repo for this project in the mystical realm of SourceHut:
https://git.sr.ht/~bosco/asciidoctor-p2e, a fantastic forge of free software
also known to the old ones as
https://drewdevault.com/2018/11/15/sr.ht-general-availability.html[Sir Hat].
-== Wielding (Usage)
+== Usage
This extension is archived in the scrolls of
https://rubygems.org/gems/asciidoctor-p2e[RubyGems] and can be added to your
@@ 30,14 31,27 @@ inventory with the `gem install asciidoctor-p2e` command. Once the
NOTE: Images and assets will be installed/referenced in a `p2e` directory
wherever your output is created.
-== Skills of Thine Enemies (Stat Blocks)
+== Style
-A new block of type `stat` can be used to create a stat block from
-https://toml.io/en/[TOML input]. For example the following TOML:
+Zero level headers will use a yellow outline Eczar font and first level headers
+will use the Eczar font. This styling is from the
+https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-LxQNtitjvBT2eCVkPt1[GM Binder Pathfinder 2nd
+Edition Homebrew Template]. Fonts are included with `asciidoctor-p2e` and will
+be installed in the `p2e` directory when your output is created. The body of
+the document uses a parchment background.
+As you can see on the left, if the Table of Contents is used (`:toc: left`) a
+burnt parchment edge will be show with Pathfinder style header fonts for each
+== Enemies
+A block of type `stat` can be used to create a creature stat block from
+https://toml.io/en/[TOML input]. For example:
[source, asciidoc]
+[stat.center, type=creature]
name = "Hoo Man"
level = "1"
@@ 83,9 97,12 @@ text = """\
-Will create the following stat block:
+Notice that a role can be passed: in this case 'center'. If the block is floated
+(left right) a 20px margin will be set on the opposite side. If a type is not
+specified, 'creature' is assumed. The above listing creates the following stat
+[stat.center, type=creature]
name = "Hoo Man"
level = "1"
@@ 130,21 147,209 @@ text = """\
-== Mystical Script (Fonts)
+== Treasure
-Zero level headers will use a yellow outline Eczar font and first level headers
-will use the Eczar font. This styling is from the
-https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-LxQNtitjvBT2eCVkPt1[GM Binder Pathfinder 2nd
-Edition Homebrew Template]. Fonts are included with `asciidoctor-p2e` and will
-be installed in the `p2e` directory when your output is created.
+In a similar fashion to creature stat blocks, item stat blocks can be created:
-== Spellbook Passages (Table of Contents)
+[source, asciidoctor]
+[stat.center, type=item]
+name = "Pear of Silence"
+level = "6+"
+tags = ["uncommon"]
+price = "100 gp" # optional
+usage = "held in 1 hand"
+bulk = "L"
+description = """\
+ A cruel device famed to be designed by Roderick the Malevolent. A seemingly \
+ delicious fruit, when placed in someone's mouth it expands to render them \
+ unable to speak. A magical phrase that disables the effect is bound to the \
+ fruit at the time of creation (not that the victim would be able to utter \
+ it).\
+ """
-As you can see on the left, if the Table of Contents is used (`:toc: left`) a
-burnt parchment edge will be show with Pathfinder style header fonts for each
+[hardness] # optional
+hardness = "9"
+hp = "10"
+bp = "5"
+[[activations]] # optional
+actions = 1
+actionText = "Interact" # optional
+trigger = "The pear is placed inside someone's mouth" # optional
+# effect is optional too
+effect = """\
+ The pear rapidly expands, filling the victims mouth and rendering them \
+ unable to speak until the pear is destroyed or disabled.\
+ """
+actions = 2
+actionText = "Interact"
+trigger = """\
+ The magic phrase that disables the pear is spoken loudly at a distance of \
+ less than five feet from the pear.\
+ """
+effect = """\
+ The pear resumes its normal shape and form. It can be spit out by the \
+ victim.\
+ """
+[[types]] #optional
+type = "lesser"
+level = "6"
+price = "100 gp" # optional
+description = """\
+ Can be destroyed by the victim with a DC 20 Fortitude saving throw.\
+ """
+type = "greater"
+level = "10"
+price = "200 gp"
+description = """\
+ Can be destroyed by the victim with a DC 25 Fortitude saving throw.\
+ """
+type = "major"
+level = "12"
+price = "300 gp"
+description = """\
+ Can be destroyed by the victim with a DC 30 Fortitude saving throw.\
+ """
+The above block yields:
+[stat.center, type=item]
+name = "Pear of Silence"
+level = "6+"
+tags = ["uncommon"]
+price = "100 gp" # optional
+usage = "held in 1 hand"
+bulk = "L"
+description = """\
+ A cruel device famed to be designed by Roderick the Malevolent. A seemingly \
+ delicious fruit, when placed in someone's mouth it expands to render them \
+ unable to speak. A magical phrase that disables the effect is bound to the \
+ fruit at the time of creation (not that the victim would be able to utter \
+ it).\
+ """
+[hardness] # optional
+hardness = "9"
+hp = "10"
+bp = "5"
+[[activations]] # optional
+actions = 1
+actionText = "Interact" # optional
+trigger = "The pear is placed inside someone's mouth" # optional
+# effect is optional too
+effect = """\
+ The pear rapidly expands, filling the victims mouth and rendering them \
+ unable to speak until the pear is destroyed or disabled.\
+ """
+actions = 2
+actionText = "Interact"
+trigger = """\
+ The magic phrase that disables the pear is spoken loudly at a distance of \
+ less than five feet from the pear.\
+ """
+effect = """\
+ The pear resumes its normal shape and form. It can be spit out by the \
+ victim.\
+ """
+[[types]] #optional
+type = "lesser"
+level = "6"
+price = "100 gp" # optional
+description = """\
+ Can be destroyed by the victim with a DC 20 Fortitude saving throw.\
+ """
+type = "greater"
+level = "10"
+price = "200 gp"
+description = """\
+ Can be destroyed by the victim with a DC 25 Fortitude saving throw.\
+ """
+type = "major"
+level = "12"
+price = "300 gp"
+description = """\
+ Can be destroyed by the victim with a DC 30 Fortitude saving throw.\
+ """
+== Traps
-== Cryptic Texts (Sidebars)
+Hazard stat blocks can also be created:
+[source, asciidoctor]
+[stat.center, type=hazard]
+name = "Bed Spike"
+level = "1"
+tags = ["mechanical", "trap"]
+stealth = "DC 15 (or 0 if they look under the bed)"
+description = """\
+ The support ropes for a bed are cut almost completely through. Under the bed \
+ are several sharpened wooded spikes. Typically the sheets are hung over the \
+ edge of the bed to disguise the spikes.\
+ """
+disable = """\
+ Crafting DC 10 to remove the spikes. The bed will still not support weight \
+ but there will be no damage caused by falling through.\
+ """
+name = "Fall Through"
+text = """\
+ A creature lays on the bed, causing the ropes to snap and dealing 1D6 piercing
+ damage.\
+ """
+The above block yields:
+[stat.center, type=hazard]
+name = "Bed Spike"
+level = "1"
+tags = ["mechanical", "trap"]
+stealth = "DC 15 (or 0 if they look under the bed)"
+description = """\
+ The support ropes for a bed are cut almost completely through. Under the bed \
+ are several sharpened wooded spikes. Typically the sheets are hung over the \
+ edge of the bed to disguise the spikes.\
+ """
+disable = """\
+ Crafting DC 10 to remove the spikes. The bed will still not support weight \
+ but there will be no damage caused by falling through.\
+ """
+name = "Fall Through"
+text = """\
+ A creature lays on the bed, causing the ropes to snap and dealing 1D6 piercing
+ damage.\
+ """
+== Cryptic Texts
When a sidebar is used to display information the background will use a styling
from https://pf2.easytool.es/[Pathfinder 2 easy Library].
@@ 154,15 359,17 @@ regarding the functioning of dangerous items:
.Wizard's Note
-Warning! Reading this note will curse you for all time with a constant stone in
-your shoe. No take backsies!
+To Whom it May Concern,
+Reading this note will curse you for all time with a constant stone in your
+shoe. No take backs!
Roderick the Malevolent
-== Adventurer's Log (Credits)
+== Adventurer's Log
* The layout, much of the styling, and the demonstration creature come from the
https://slanguage.github.io/pf2monster/[Pathfinder 2E Monster Creator]
M asciidoctor-p2e.gemspec => asciidoctor-p2e.gemspec +1 -1
@@ 1,6 1,6 @@
Gem::Specification.new do |s|
s.name = 'asciidoctor-p2e'
- s.version = '0.2.2'
+ s.version = '0.3.0'
s.authors = ['Ryan Tolboom']
s.email = ['ryan@using.tech']
s.description = 'Asciidoctor Pathfinder 2E Extension'
A lib/asciidoctor-p2e/assets/divider.png => lib/asciidoctor-p2e/assets/divider.png +0 -0
M lib/asciidoctor-p2e/assets/p2e.css => lib/asciidoctor-p2e/assets/p2e.css +62 -7
@@ 24,16 24,23 @@
unicode-range: U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02BB-02BC, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+2000-206F, U+2074, U+20AC, U+2122, U+2191, U+2193, U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD;
-/* Statblocks */
+/* Stat blocks */
.statblock {
width: 500px;
border: 1px solid black;
- margin: 20px;
+/* margin: 20px;*/
padding: 20px;
font-family: "Roboto", Geneva, sans-serif;
font-size: 16px;
line-height: 24px;
- display: inline-block;
+ display: block;
+ background: #f7f7f8;
+.statblock.left {
+ margin-right: 20px;
+.statblock.right {
+ margin-left: 20px;
.statblock-title {
font-size: 23px;
@@ 44,7 51,7 @@
.statblock-name {
float: left;
-.statblock-creature {
+.statblock-type {
float: right;
text-align: right;
@@ 154,7 161,28 @@
background-image: url()
-/* Headings and TOC */
+/* Headings, TOC, dividers, and background */
+body {
+ background: url("parchment.jpg");
+ background-repeat: repeat-y;
+ background-size: contain;
+body.toc2 #header > h1:nth-last-child(2) {
+ border-bottom: none;
+ text-align: center;
+body.toc2 #header > h1:nth-last-child(2)::after, .sect1 + .sect1::before {
+ content: "";
+ display: block;
+ height: 40px;
+ background-image: url("divider.png");
+ background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-position: center bottom;
+ background-size: cover;
+.sect1 + .sect1 {
+ border-top: none;
h1, h2, #toctitle, #toc a {
font-family: 'Eczar', sans-serif !important;
color:#4E0707 !important;
@@ 165,10 193,10 @@ h1, #toctitle {
text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #EFCD98, -1px 1px 0 #EFCD98, 1px -1px 0 #EFCD98, -1px -1px 0 #EFCD98, 0px 1px 0 #EFCD98, 0px -1px 0 #EFCD98, -1px 0px 0 #EFCD98, 1px 0px 0 #EFCD98, 2px 2px 0 #EFCD98, -2px 2px 0 #EFCD98, 2px -2px 0 #EFCD98, -2px -2px 0 #EFCD98, 0px 2px 0 #EFCD98, 0px -2px 0 #EFCD98, -2px 0px 0 #EFCD98, 2px 0px 0 #EFCD98, 1px 2px 0 #EFCD98, -1px 2px 0 #EFCD98, 1px -2px 0 #EFCD98, -1px -2px 0 #EFCD98, 2px 1px 0 #EFCD98, -2px 1px 0 #EFCD98, 2px -1px 0 #EFCD98, -2px -1px 0 #EFCD98;
h1 {
- font-size: 7em;
+ font-size: 6em;
h2 {
- font-size: 5em;
+ font-size: 3.5em;
h3 {
@@ 194,3 222,30 @@ h3 {
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: cover;
+/* Tables */
+table {
+ background-color: #F5EFE0;
+ margin-bottom:0px;
+table tr th {
+ background-color: #5E0000;
+ color: white !important;
+ padding-top:4px;
+table tbody tr:nth-child(odd) {
+ background-color: #EDE3C8
+table tbody, table th {
+ font-family: 'Roboto Condensed', sans-serif;
+.tablefooter {
+ background-color:#E6D8B0 !important;
+table.left {
+ margin-right: 35px;
+table.right {
+ margin-left: 35px;
A lib/asciidoctor-p2e/assets/parchment.jpg => lib/asciidoctor-p2e/assets/parchment.jpg +0 -0
R lib/asciidoctor-p2e/statblock.html.erb => lib/asciidoctor-p2e/creatureblock.html.erb +2 -2
@@ 1,7 1,7 @@
-<div class="statblock">
+<div class="statblock <%= defined?(role) ? role : '' %>">
<div class="statblock-title">
<span class="statblock-name"><%= name %></span>
- <span class="statblock-creature"> CREATURE <%= level %></span>
+ <span class="statblock-type"> CREATURE <%= level %></span>
<div class="statblock-info-block">
<div class="statblock-tags">
M lib/asciidoctor-p2e/extension.rb => lib/asciidoctor-p2e/extension.rb +19 -6
@@ 23,20 23,33 @@ class P2EStatblockProcessor < Extensions::BlockProcessor
named :stat
- on_context :open
+ on_context :open, :example
parse_content_as :raw
def process parent, reader, attrs
# parse TOML
lines = reader.lines
- creature = Tomlrb.parse(lines * "\n")
+ data = Tomlrb.parse(lines * "\n")
+ # get/set attributes
+ if attrs.key?('type')
+ type = attrs['type']
+ else
+ type = 'creature'
+ end
+ if attrs.key?('role')
+ data['role'] = attrs['role']
+ end
# create HTML from template
extdir = ::File.join(::File.dirname __FILE__)
- template_name = 'statblock.html.erb'
- template = File.read("#{extdir}/#{template_name}")
- html = ERB.new(template).result_with_hash(creature)
+ templates = {
+ 'creature' => "#{extdir}/creatureblock.html.erb",
+ 'item' => "#{extdir}/itemblock.html.erb",
+ 'hazard' => "#{extdir}/hazardblock.html.erb"
+ }
+ template = File.read(templates[type])
+ html = ERB.new(template).result_with_hash(data)
create_pass_block parent, html, attrs, subs: nil
A lib/asciidoctor-p2e/hazardblock.html.erb => lib/asciidoctor-p2e/hazardblock.html.erb +43 -0
@@ 0,0 1,43 @@
+<div class="statblock <%= defined?(role) ? role : '' %>">
+ <div class="statblock-title">
+ <span class="statblock-name"><%= name %></span>
+ <span class="statblock-type">HAZARD <%= level %></span>
+ </div>
+ <div class="statblock-info-block">
+ <div class="statblock-tags">
+ <% tags.each do |tag| %>
+ <% if tag == "uncommon" %>
+ <div class="statblock-tag-rarity-uncommon"><%= tag %></div>
+ <% elsif tag == "rare" %>
+ <div class="statblock-tag-rarity-rare"><%= tag %></div>
+ <% elsif tag == "unique" %>
+ <div class="statblock-tag-rarity-unique"><%= tag %></div>
+ <% else %>
+ <div class="statblock-tag-other"><%= tag %></div>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ </div>
+ <div class="statblock-info-other">
+ <div class="statblock-info-line">
+ <span class="statblock-line-heavy">Stealth </span><%= stealth %>
+ </div>
+ <div class="statblock-info-line">
+ <span class="statblock-line-heavy">Description </span><%= description %>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="statblock-info-block">
+ <div class="statblock-info-line">
+ <span class="statblock-line-heavy">Disable </span><%= disable %>
+ </div>
+ <% if defined?(triggers) %>
+ <% triggers.each do |trigger| %>
+ <div class="statblock-info-line">
+ <span class="statblock-line-heavy"><%= trigger['name'] %></span>
+ <span class="statblock-reaction"></span>
+ <span class="statblock-line-heavy">Trigger </span><%= trigger['text'] %>
+ </div>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ </div>
A lib/asciidoctor-p2e/itemblock.html.erb => lib/asciidoctor-p2e/itemblock.html.erb +86 -0
@@ 0,0 1,86 @@
+<div class="statblock <%= defined?(role) ? role : '' %>">
+ <div class="statblock-title">
+ <span class="statblock-name"><%= name %></span>
+ <span class="statblock-type">ITEM <%= level %></span>
+ </div>
+ <div class="statblock-info-block">
+ <div class="statblock-tags">
+ <% tags.each do |tag| %>
+ <% if tag == "uncommon" %>
+ <div class="statblock-tag-rarity-uncommon"><%= tag %></div>
+ <% elsif tag == "rare" %>
+ <div class="statblock-tag-rarity-rare"><%= tag %></div>
+ <% elsif tag == "unique" %>
+ <div class="statblock-tag-rarity-unique"><%= tag %></div>
+ <% else %>
+ <div class="statblock-tag-other"><%= tag %></div>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ </div>
+ <div class="statblock-info-other">
+ <% if defined?(price) %>
+ <div class="statblock-info-line">
+ <span class="statblock-line-heavy">Price </span><%= price %>
+ </div>
+ <% end %>
+ <div class="statblock-info-line">
+ <span class="statblock-line-heavy">Usage </span><%= usage %>;
+ <span class="statblock-line-heavy"> Bulk </span><%= bulk %>;
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <% if defined?(activations) %>
+ <div class="statblock-info-other">
+ <% activations.each do |activation| %>
+ <div class="statblock-info-line">
+ <span class="statblock-line-heavy"> Activate </span>
+ <% if activation['actions'] == 0 %>
+ <span class="statblock-free-action"></span>
+ <% elsif activation['actions'] == 1 %>
+ <span class="statblock-one-action"></span>
+ <% elsif activation['actions'] == 2 %>
+ <span class="statblock-two-actions"></span>
+ <% elsif activation['actions'] == 3 %>
+ <span class="statblock-three-actions"></span>
+ <% end %>
+ <% if activation.key?('actionText') %>
+ <%= activation['actionText'] %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% if activation.key?('frequency') %>
+ <span class="statblock-line-heavy"> Frequency </span><%= activation['frequency'] %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% if activation.key?('trigger') %>
+ <span class="statblock-line-heavy"> Trigger </span><%= activation['trigger'] %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% if activation.key?('effect') %>
+ <span class="statblock-line-heavy"> Effect </span><%= activation['effect'] %>
+ <% end %>
+ </div>
+ <% end %>
+ </div>
+ <% end %>
+ </div>
+ <div class="statblock-info-block">
+ <% if defined?(hardness) %>
+ <div class="statblock-info-line">
+ <span class="statblock-line-heavy">Hardness </span><%= hardness['hardness'] %>;
+ <span class="statblock-line-heavy">HP </span><%= hardness['hp'] %>;
+ <span class="statblock-line-heavy">BT </span><%= hardness['bt'] %>;
+ </div>
+ <% end %>
+ <div><%= description %></div>
+ </div>
+ <% if defined?(types) %>
+ <% types.each do |type| %>
+ <div class="statblock-info-block">
+ <div class="statblock-info-line">
+ <span class="statblock-line-heavy">Type </span><em><%= type['type'] %></em>
+ <span class="statblock-line-heavy">Level </span><%= type['level'] %>
+ <% if type.key?('price') %>
+ <span class="statblock-line-heavy">Price </span><%= type['price'] %>
+ <% end %>
+ </div>
+ <div><%= type['description'] %></div>
+ </div>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>