update install instructions & screenshot
bump version number to 1.7
make a full windows build that includes dependencies
set up for sourcehut builds
pull code out into a python module
fix some papercuts on output UI
cycle out the api key oops
make sure the build actually works (#1)
* get ready to wrestle with build infra for three hours
* put some things back where they came from
* juggle more dependency stuff
* it's always something
* use correct python
* look harder for the correct DLLs fml
* correctly disable sh -x
* i swear to fuckin christ
* bdg voice i am going to throw myself into the sea
switch from wxpython to tkinter
make the API call manually instead of pulling in a whole dependency
stop creating console windows all the time
i have died and i am in hell
bump version number to 1.5
install non-borked cx_Freeze in a valid way
use -to as an input option to match -ss as input
use -ss as an input option for *far* better efficiency