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#ESC CSCI-3010: Computer Organization & Assembly Language


All programs were written, compiled, and tested on a 64-bit Intel CPU running Linux.

#Program 1

Write a procedure in i7 assembly language to find the largest prime less than 1000. Use the Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm, and appropriate address jumps when looping. Embed it in a C or C++ program to do the I/O.

  1. Create an array of size last number of the range
  2. Fill the array from 0 to last number using a loop [0, 1, 2, 3, ..., last number]
  3. Iterate over the loop
    1. Read current number from array and check if its a zero
    2. If it is not a zero then fill the array with zeros for each multiple of the number
  4. Loop over the array printing all non-zero numbers which will be prime numbers
> make primes
> ./bin/primes 10

#Program 2

Write a procedure in i7 assembly language to implement the Russian Peasant multiplication algorithm using shifting. Embed it in a C or C++ program to do the I/O.

> make rpm
> ./bin/rpm 20 12

#Program 3

Write a procedure in i7 assembly language to accept a binary number of length less than or equal to 8, interpret it as a 2's complement number of 8 bits, and return the ASCII string for the number, suppressing the leading zeroes but printing either a + or - in front. Examples: 00001111 or 1111 becomes +1111\0, 11001111 becomes -11001\0. Note: the character 0 is 30 in hex or 48 in decimal.

> make binstring
> ./bin/binstring 1111