
List Windows File Sharing shares and reconnect bookmarks.
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List Windows File Sharing shares and reconnect bookmarks.


I wrote this tool because I have a problem with my Windows File Sharing (SMB / CIFS) connections to my development VM dying and not reconnecting on their own.

wshare parses the output of the net use command and then reads in your wshare_config.py file. Then it allows you to list connections and bookmarks (merged together) with their connection status, and reconnect paths listed in your bookmarks.


  • Windows
  • Python 3.x


  1. Copy wshare.py to a path in your %PATH% environment variable. (For example, you could create a C:\bin folder and edit your %PATH% variable so it contains C:\bin.)

  2. If you have more than one Python installed, you should probably create a wshare.cmd file in the same folder with something like this:

     @echo off
     "C:\Programs\Python34\python.exe" %~dp0wshare.py %*

(Edit the path to Python as needed.)

  1. Create a wshare_config.py in the same folder:

     config = {
         'NAME1': {
             'drive_letter': 'N:',
             'path': '//SERVER1.EXAMPLE.COM/PATH1',
             'username': 'USER',
             'password': 'PASSWORD', # None, if not needed
         'NAME2': {
             'drive_letter': None,  # None for no drive letter; just connection
             'path': '//SERVER2.EXAMPLE.COM/PATH2',
             'username': 'USER',
             'password': 'PASSWORD', # None, if not needed


Use Windows' Run command (WIN + R key) and enter wshare.py (or wshare if you created a wshare.cmd launcher).

With no parameters, wshare will merge the output of net use with your bookmarks from wshare_config.py and show you a list of connections and bookmarks. Enter a number or a name of a bookmark to reconnect; it will be completely dropped and then reconnected. Then the program will loop until you make no selection. (Enter an empty string.)

You can also call wshare.py NAME or wshare NAME to skip listing the connections and immediately drop and reconnect the bookmark called NAME.

#Example Run


Network shares:

:: G: \\files.mycorp.example.com\users$\bkidwell (not in config)
:: H: \\files.mycorp.example.com\itgroup\Common (not in config)
3 [devbox]:: T: \\devbox.local.example.com\Code

Reconnect which share number or name? (ENTER to quit) 3

The command completed successfully.

Network shares:

:: G: \\files.mycorp.example.com\users$\bkidwell (not in config)
:: H: \\files.mycorp.example.com\itgroup\Common (not in config)
3 [devbox]:: T: \\devbox.local.example.com\Code

Reconnect which share number or name? (ENTER to quit)
Do not follow this link