
Convert incoming No Agenda Show episodes from BitTorrent Sync into 16kbps Opus audio files and post them to a WordPress instance.


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You can also use your local clone with git send-email.


Convert incoming No Agenda Show episodes from BitTorrent Sync into 16kbps Opus audio files and post them to a WordPress instance.




  • Setup a BitTorrent Sync client to continuously sync the public folder with the key R5NSJBPWKW52OO5HCY27JUHKZSKOFAR2D.
  • Make a symlink from make-noagenda-lofi/input to the BTSync folder.
  • Run ./scripts/watch-for-files.sh at boot time. It will wait for new files in ./input and call scripts/process.py when it finds any.
  • process.py will select all *.mp3 files in ./input that it has not already processed before:
    • Extract title, artist, cover art, etc.
    • Convert mp3 file to 16kbps monaural Opus audio file in ./output/$year.
    • Tag the Opus file and create external cover art jpg file and thumbnail jpg file in ./output/$year.
    • Create ./output/queue/$filename.data with all WordPress post attributes in JSON format.
  • ./output is rsynced to ./files at the WordPress site, with "no deleting" option.
  • More stuff happens.
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