
VM image description for a meta.sr.ht instance
Add warning about not running this on the internet
Initial release


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You can also use your local clone with git send-email.

#IMGBUILD for meta.sr.ht instance

The files in this repository describe a VM disk image which can be built with makeimg (which currently only runs on Arch Linux) and which runs the meta.sr.ht component of SourceHut.

It uses the recently added (and not yet really documented) capability of makeimg to build Alpine Linux images. Consider this somewhat experimental.

It serves as a codified documentation of how to get meta.sr.ht up and running. If you had access to my password store (which is used in the config template), you would get a ready-to-use meta.sr.ht instance.

Some things need to be changed for this image to be useful for others. They will be documented here shortly. For now, hopefully the option to look at the code can help answer some questions you might have about the setup process.

The image is intended to be run in a VM. It needs outgoing access to your mail server and must be accessible at least from the host to be useful. You can access meta.sr.ht on port :5000.

NOTE: This is intended for experimentation in your development environment! Do not expose this to the internet!

Do not follow this link