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at the
<a href="https://geo.ma.tum.de/">Technical University of Munich</a>
working under the supervision of
- <a href="http://ulrich-bauer.org/">Professor Ulrich Bauer</a>.
- As such I participate
- in the <a href="http://discretization.org/">DGD</a> project
- <a href="http://discretization.org/en/projects/C04/">
- C04 - Persistence and Stability of Geometric Complexes</a>.
+ <a href="http://ulrich-bauer.org/">Professor Ulrich Bauer</a>
+ visiting the
+ <a href="https://www.math.uni-bielefeld.de/birep/index.php">
+ BIREP group in Bielefeld</a>
+ as a guest.
In order to assemble this website,
M src/contact/index.html => src/contact/index.html +2 -2
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<dt>Postal Address</dt>
<dd>Benedikt Fluhr<br>
- Mühlfeldweg 7<br>
- 85748 Garching<br>
+ Von-der-Recke-Str. 6<br>
+ 33615 Bielefeld<br>
<dt>Mobile Phone</dt>