
32b7577f26d74ccfd31dc4c40a2f4c2bfcfc8e47 — Ben Fiedler 2 years ago 4d4e1ac
Fix missing word
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M content/chess/smm-2022-02.md
M content/chess/smm-2022-02.md => content/chess/smm-2022-02.md +1 -1
@@ 110,7 110,7 @@ be winning for me, as Black has to prevent my connected passed pawns from
queening and I can go take all of Black's pawns in the meantime.

{{< fen pos="3k4/8/2P2pp1/1P1n4/B7/5P2/3K4/8 w - - 1 42"
        caption="Black is down a pawn and I two advanced passed paws" >}}
        caption="Black is down a pawn and have I two advanced passed paws" >}}

**41. Bb3 Nb6?** is the final nail in the coffin. According to Stockfish the
knight should have gone to e7 to help out with the defense of the black pawns