proj: Release v0.8.0 - proj: Bump version to 0.8.0 - proj: Release version 0.8.0 - refactor: Run the code through gofmt. - doc: Update file. - doc: Prepare release notes.
feat: -get-notification-state implemented. -get-notification-state flag requires a receipt ID provided by Pushover, which is only done when sending priority (P2 / emergency) messages. Nudge automatically prints that receipt already. This flag allows tracking the state of the notification and prints the state in a human readable format, however this output can be easily parsed if required.
feat: Add receipt printing and quiet mode support. - refactor: Run the code through “gofmt”. - fix: Read values from the newly set variables in “applyFlags”, instead of the supplied flag. - feat: Implement receipt printing for priority 2 messages. - feat: Implement “-quiet” flag to suppress receipt printing. - doc: Update “” for better in-progress tracking. - doc: Update “” for better progress tracking.
fix: General polish, fix and refactoring. - refactor: Clean irrelevant and completed “TODO:” tags from codebase. - fix: Prevent crashing if the default log level is not written correctly. - fix: Do not perform recipient verification if “-devices” flag is not used. - feat: Implement string comparison also in Turkish to allow i ↔︎ İ and ı ↔︎ I insensitivity. - proj: Bump version to “0.8.0a1” to prepare implementing new features.
docs: Update Make better, and more current.
fix: Fix internal version number. This commit fixes the version reported by “-version” flag.
proj: Release version 0.7.0 - proj: Bump version to 0.7.0. - proj: Release version 0.7.0. - refactor: Demote Panicf() calls to Fatalf() to disable stack trace printing. - feat: Finish implementing verify_recipients function. - feat: Add print_recipients function. - bug: Handle -retry-interval flag during sending messages. - bug: Handle -retry-interval flag during configuration sanity checking. - refactor: Change "_" character to "-" in command line arguments. - refactor: Change the place where configuration sanity is checked for better user experience.
feat:Continue implementing recipient verification. This version adds a simple proof of concept loop to verify recipients before sending messages. The loop is incomplete, and needs serious work at this point.
Continue implementing `verify_recipients` function. Function implementatin is slightly progressed. Need to do a relatively cheap, fast, and case & locale insensitive comparison next, which needs some research.
proj: General dusting off and polishing. - refactor: Fix pushoverValidationResponse to PushoverValidationResponse. Types start with a capital letter. - refactor: getDeviceList returns PushoverValidationResponse instead of raw JSON. - refactor: Go through gofmt. - proj: Leave a marker about what to do next in nudge.go.
feat: Continue implementing recipient validation. - feat: Continue implementing verify_recipients function. - feat: Implement JSON unmarshalling to a data structure for verify_recipients function. - feat: Complete Validation API request function. - refactor: Add "dryrun mode" line to runtime configuration dump.
feat: Continue implementing verify_recipients. This commit continues to implement recipient verification feature. - feat: Continue implementing verify_recipients function. - feat: Get user device and license information from
feat: Lay groundwork for recipient verification. - refactor: Remove unused arguments from readAndApplyConfiguration() function. - proj: Bump version to 0.7.0a1 to denote alpha nature. - feat: Lay the groundwork for "verify recipients" feature.
refactor: Move project source to repository root. This commit moves the “src/“ folder to root folder of the project, effectively eliminating it. It’s done to align the project more with the Go project organization conventions.
feat: Add image attachment support. - proj: Update copyright year. - feat: Finish implementing image attachement support. - feat: Implemented file type detection support. - refactor: Remove warning about image attachments' state. - refactor: Go through gofmt. - docs: Update for the new version. - docs: Update for the new version. - proj: Bump version to v0.6.0. - proj: Release version v0.6.0.
feat: Read file to memory as a byte array. This small commit replaces the file open code with reading code which actually reads the file contents into a byte array. Next step is to BASE64 encode it and, attach to the notification itself.
feat: Continue implementing image attachments. - feat: Continue implementing file attachement logic. - feat: Start calling the attachImageToNotification function. - feat: Implemented file size checks in attachImageToNotification function.
feat: Start implementing image attachment support. - feat: Add relevant flag for attaching images. - feat: Start implementing image attachment functionality.
refactor: Move go.mod and go.sum to src/ folder. This commit moves go.mod and go.sum files to src/ folder. That’s the correct place for them to be in the first place.
proj: Finalize v0.5.0. proj: Finalize v0.5.0 and release to the world.