update readme
Initial commit
Official repository and project is on sourcehut. Github and codeberg are only mirrors. This is where binaries are uploaded.
cleanABag is a CLI tool for removing articles older than a given date from wallabag.
The goal is to avoid wasted storage of 100s or 1000s of articles that aren't needed in wallabag anymore.
To install, either download a binary from the release page or via the result of an automated build.
Or manually (you need go >= 1.17 and make):
git clone https://git.sr.ht/~bacardi55/cleanABag
cd cleanABag
make dependencies
make build
The binary will be in the bin
cleanABag --help
cleanABag [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
prune Delete old article from wallabag
version Print the version number of cleanABag
-c, --credentials string config file with credentials to connect to wallabag (default is $HOME/.config/cleanABag/credentials.json) - Full path is needed.
-h, --help help for cleanABag
-v, --verbose Verbose mode
cleanABag prune --help
Delete old article from wallabag
cleanABag prune [flags]
-d, --date string Articles older than this date will be removed if they match the archived/starred flags, format "YYYY-MM-DD".
--delete Delete articles. Without this flag, it will only do a dry run.
-h, --help help for prune
-s, --starred Include starred entry in deletion. False will prevent starred article to be deleted.
-u, --unread Include unread entries for deletion. False will prevent unread articles from being deleted
Global Flags:
-c, --credentials string config file with credentials to connect to wallabag (default is $HOME/.config/cleanABag/credentials.json) - Full path is needed. -v, --verbose Verbose mode
# Remove archived articles older than 2021-12-31 (date in YYYY-MM-DD format) and that are not starred:
# Dry run:
cleanABag -c /path/to/credentials.json -d "2021-12-31"
# Delete for real:
cleanABag -c /path/to/credentials.json -d "2021-12-31" --delete
# Remove articles older than 2021-12-31, including unread but keep starred article
# Dry run:
cleanABag -c /path/to/credentials.json -d "2021-12-31" -u
# Delete for real:
cleanABag -c /path/to/credentials.json -d "2021-12-31" -u --delete
# Remove articles older than 2021-12-31, including unread and starred article
# Dry run:
cleanABag -c /path/to/credentials.json -d "2021-12-31" -u -s
# Delete for real:
cleanABag -c /path/to/credentials.json -d "2021-12-31" -u -s --delete
Example of credentials.json
"WallabagURL": "https://your.wallabag.tld",
"ClientId": "client ID generate in your profile on wallabag"
"ClientSecret": "client secrete generate in your profile on wallabag"
"UserName": "your username",
"UserPassword": "your password"