
A minimal hugo theme for the indieweb
Add styling for table elements
Add print css rules
remove underline in links except when hover


browse  log 



You can also use your local clone with git send-email.


This theme is heavily based on smol, a minimalist hugo theme, thanks to their work!

MinIndie is a very minimal hugo theme with indieweb markups. A demo can be found on my blog at https://bacardi55.io


  • No JavaScript
  • No Google spyware or tracking of any kind
  • No other external dependencies, embedded fonts or comment sections
  • Dark mode support (depending on your OS's setting)
  • Indieweb markup


In your Hugo site themes directory, run:

git clone https://

Next, open config.toml in the base of the Hugo site and ensure the theme option is set to smol.

theme = "minindie"

Lastly, add the following lines to your config.toml to set site parameters and make use of all the menu entries in the header and footer sections if you need them.

title = "Site Name"
baseURL = "https://your.domain.tld"
copyright = "A copyright message"

# Parameters
  subtitle = "ἕν οἶδα ὅτι οὐδὲν οἶδα"
  dateFmt = "Monday, January 2, 2006"
  # tagPostOlderThanXDays = 555 # To display a message if the post is older than this number of days.
  # xslpath = "/rss.xsl" # If you want to theme your RSS feed. Optional.

  name = "your name" # required for h-card
  email = "your@email.tld"
  avatar = "/path/to/avatar.png"
  bio = "A bio description<br />Html is accepted."

  authorizationEndpoint = "https://indieauth.com/auth"
  tokenEndpoint = "https://tokens.indieauth.com/token"
  webmentionEndpoint = "https://webmention.io/your.domain.tld/webmention"
  relmepgp = "/path/to//public/key.asc"
      url = "https://"
      url = "https://"

# Menus:
## Header
        identifier = "posts"
        name = "Posts"
        url = "/posts/"
        weight = 1

        identifier = "categories"
        name = "Categories"
        url = "/categories/"
        weight = 2

        identifier = "tags"
        name = "Tags"
        url = "/tags/"
        weight = 3

## Footer
        name = "Github"
        url = "https://github.com/example"
        weight = 1

        name = "Mastodon"
        url = "https://example.com/@user"
        weight = 2

        name = "Imprint"
        url = "/imprint"
        weight = 3


This theme is released under the MIT license.

Do not follow this link