@@ 174,8 174,8 @@ static void display_write(TeMa *t,uint8 p,uint8 v) {
// at this point the display device buffer is assumed to contain the x and y positions and an address
uint16 xpos = BYTES2SHORT(d+0x08), ypos = BYTES2SHORT(d+0x0A), adr = BYTES2SHORT(d+0x0C);
Layer* layer = *(d+0x0F) & 0x4 ? &scr.l1 : &scr.l0;
- char* layerid = *(d+0x0F) & 0x4 ? "fg" : "bg";
- printf("display_write received dma: about to blit %s at %d,%d\n",layerid,xpos,ypos);
+ //char* layerid = *(d+0x0F) & 0x4 ? "fg" : "bg";
+ //printf("display_write received dma: about to blit %s at %d,%d\n",layerid,xpos,ypos);
if(xpos>=scr.wid || ypos>=scr.hgt) break;
blit_sprite(&scr, layer->data, xpos, ypos,&t->ram[adr]) ;
@@ 293,7 293,7 @@ int handle_events(TeMa* tema) {
if(ev.key.repeat == 1 ) break;
// do check for host specific keys (like function keys)
- if(ev.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_F1) { wresx = (wresx+1)%3; update_window(); break; }
+ if(ev.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_F1) { wresx = wresx<<1; if(wresx>4) wresx = 1; update_window(); break; }
update_controller(ev.key.keysym.sym, &controller_state, 1);
tema->device[0x83] = controller_state;