A => README.md +6 -0
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+# Kattis Solutions
+My personal solutions to [Kattis](kattis) problems in various languages.
A => odd_man_out/odd_man_out.py +37 -0
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+ The first line of input gives the number of cases, N.
+ N test cases follow. For each test case there will be:
+ - One line containing the value G, the number of guests.
+ - One line containing a space-separated list of G integers.
+ Each integer C indicates the invitation code of a guest.
+ You may assume that 1≤N≤50,0<C<231,3≤G<1000
+ For each test case, output one line containing
+ “Case #x: ” followed by the number C of the guest who is alone.
+n = int(input())
+for i in range(n):
+ # There may be optimization around knowing G,
+ # but since Sets do not allow an initial size
+ # I could not think of any. If they did, we
+ # eliminate set resize time (should the set
+ # initial list size be exceeded).
+ input()
+ # Iterating through the list of codes,
+ # we are operating under the assumption that
+ # only two occurrences of any number can appear
+ for c in input().split(' '))
+ # Add new elements to a set
+ if c in found:
+ found.discard(c)
+ # Delete duplicate elements from the set
+ else:
+ found.add(c)
+ # Since the only item without a duplicate is the
+ # solution, and we deleted all duplicates, popping
+ # the found set should return the solution AND empty
+ # the set for the next loop
+ print(f"Case #{i+1}: {int(found.pop())}")
A => stuck_in_a_time_loop/main.go +19 -0
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+package main
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "strconv"
+func main() {
+ fmt.Print("Enter number: ")
+ var in string
+ fmt.Scanln(&in)
+ n, err := strconv.Atoi(in)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Printf("Thats not a number: %v\n", err)
+ }
+ for i := 1; i <= n {
+ fmt.Printf("%d Abracadabra\n", i++)
+ }
A => stuck_in_a_time_loop/stuck_in_a_time_loop +0 -0