A 10_kinds_of_people/10_kinds_of_people.py => 10_kinds_of_people/10_kinds_of_people.py +137 -0
@@ 0,0 1,137 @@
+import sys
+debug = False
+def log(msg):
+ if debug:
+ print(f"Debug:\t{msg}")
+ return
+def ten_kinds_of_people(map, queries):
+ pass
+def parse_dimensions(dim_string):
+ dims = dim_string.split()
+ if len(dims) != 2:
+ raise Exception(f"inavlid number of dimensions: {len(dims)}")
+ return [int(d) for d in dims]
+class Map:
+ def __init__(self, dims):
+ self.n_rows = dims[0]
+ self.n_cols = dims[1]
+ self.rows = []
+ for r in range(self.n_rows):
+ row = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
+ if len(row) != self.n_cols:
+ raise Exception(f"too many columns on row {r}: {len(row)}")
+ self.rows.append(row)
+ def get(self, coord):
+ x = coord[0]
+ y = coord[1]
+ return self.rows[x][y]
+ def get_adjacent_coordinates(self, c):
+ expected_value = self.rows[c[0]][c[1]]
+ # log(f"getting adjacent for {c}")
+ coords = [
+ (c[0], c[1] - 1),
+ (c[0], c[1] + 1),
+ (c[0] - 1, c[1]),
+ (c[0] + 1, c[1])
+ ]
+ coords = {c for c in coords if c[0] >= 0 and c[0] < self.n_rows and c[1] >= 0 and c[1] < self.n_cols and self.rows[c[0]][c[1]] == expected_value}
+ # log(f"adjacents: {coords}")
+ return coords
+def log_breadcrumbs(crumbs):
+ for r in crumbs:
+ row = ""
+ for c in r:
+ if c:
+ row += "X"
+ else:
+ row += "."
+ # log(row)
+def bfs(map, start, finish):
+ # log(f"navigating from {start} to {finish}")
+ if map.get(start) != map.get(finish):
+ print("neither")
+ return
+ desired_value = map.get(start)
+ breadcrumbs = [[False for j in range(map.n_cols)] for i in range(map.n_rows)]
+ queue = {(start[0],start[1])}
+ # log("queue:")
+ # for i in queue:
+ # log(f"\t{i}")
+ while len(queue) > 0:
+ current = queue.pop()
+ # log(f"testing {current}")
+ if coordinates_equal(current, finish):
+ if desired_value == "0":
+ print("binary")
+ else:
+ print("decimal")
+ return
+ breadcrumbs[current[0]][current[1]] = True
+ # log_breadcrumbs(breadcrumbs)
+ next_coordinates = {c for c in map.get_adjacent_coordinates(current) if not breadcrumbs[c[0]][c[1]]}
+ queue = queue.union(next_coordinates)
+ # log("queue:")
+ # for i in queue:
+ # log(f"\t{i}")
+ print("neither")
+def coordinates_equal(c1, c2):
+ return c1[0] == c2[0] and c1[1] == c2[1]
+def parse_query(input):
+ parts = input.split()
+ if len(parts) != 4:
+ raise Exception(f"query input \"{input}\" if of incorrect length")
+ return [int(parts[0]) - 1, int(parts[1]) - 1],[int(parts[2]) - 1, int(parts[3]) - 1]
+def main():
+ dimensions = sys.stdin.readline()
+ try:
+ dimensions = parse_dimensions(dimensions)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(f"error: {e}")
+ # log(dimensions)
+ map = Map(dimensions)
+ # log(map.rows)
+ num_queries = int(sys.stdin.readline().strip())
+ for i in range(num_queries):
+ query = parse_query(sys.stdin.readline().strip())
+ bfs(map, query[0], query[1])
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
A 10_kinds_of_people/sample_in_3.txt => 10_kinds_of_people/sample_in_3.txt +7 -0
@@ 0,0 1,7 @@
+4 4
+1 1 4 1
A 10_kinds_of_people/sample_in_4.txt => 10_kinds_of_people/sample_in_4.txt +1003 -0
@@ 0,0 1,1003 @@
+1000 1000