
33711da0151142ebc688b956a01c6566c37128b4 — Ashton Wiersdorf 9 months ago 6d86a22 1.3.0
Release 1.3.0
1 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

M README.md => README.md +35 -13
@@ 100,10 100,10 @@ Extras:
 - Development tools
 - Org-mode
 - Vim refugee
 - Researcher
 - Email (TODO: mu4e, EBDB)
 - Researcher (TODO: denote)

#### `extras/base.el`
#### Base UI Enhancements: `extras/base.el`

Packages this extra adds:

@@ 124,7 124,7 @@ Avy is the fastest way to move around in a buffer, and it can do a *lot*.[^1] Em

wgrep makes grep buffers editable. This means you can `consult-ripgrep` → search project → `embark-act` → `embark-export` → `wgrep-change-to-wgrep-mode` to do search-and-replace across an entire project in one fell swoop. See [Warp Factor Refactoring](https://lambdaland.org/posts/2023-05-31_warp_factor_refactor/) for more on this workflow.

#### `extras/dev.el`
#### Development tools: `extras/dev.el`

Packages this extra adds:

@@ 138,9 138,13 @@ Built-in packages that this extra configures:
 - [Eglot](https://github.com/joaotavora/eglot) ([Language Server Protocol (LSP) client](https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/))
 - Treesit ([Tree-Sitter](https://github.com/tree-sitter) support)

Both of these packages are new in Emacs 29. Be sure to run `M-x treesit-install-language-grammar` to install the language grammar you'll need before editing a file the respective language for the first time.
Both of these packages are new in Emacs 29. **Be sure to run `M-x treesit-install-language-grammar` to install the language grammar you'll need before editing a file the respective language for the first time!** This is a quirk of how the built-in tree-sitter works; packages like [treesit-auto](https://github.com/renzmann/treesit-auto) can help with this if it becomes too much of an annoyance.

#### `extras/vim-like.el`
#### Org-mode: `extras/org.el`

This extra configures `org-mode`. There is a *lot* that Bedrock cannot configure out of the box—you will need to modify all variables to fit your file system and needs, as explained in comments in the file.

#### Vim refugee: `extras/vim-like.el`

Packages this extra adds:

@@ 154,11 158,23 @@ Other packages that I use personally, but are not on GNU or non-GNU ELPA and so 
 - [Evil-Leader](https://github.com/cofi/evil-leader) Setting a prefix (i.e. "leader") key
 - [Origami](https://github.com/gregsexton/origami.el) Code folding

#### `extras/org.el`
#### Researcher: `extras/researcher.el`

This extra configures `org-mode`. There is a *lot* that Bedrock cannot configure out of the box—you will need to modify all variables to fit your file system and needs, as explained in comments in the file.
Packages this extra includes:

 - [Citar](https://github.com/emacs-citar/citar)
 - [Org-roam](https://www.orgroam.com/)
 - [Denote](https://protesilaos.com/emacs/denote)

Citar provides a completing-read interface into your bibliography and can automatically insert citations in LaTeX, Markdown, and org-mode.

Org-roam is a personal knowledge management system; effectively a port of the popular [Roam](https://roamresearch.com/) note taking system.

#### `extras/email.el`
Denote is a simple note taking system that doesn't rely on any tools except some common Unix utilities like `grep` and `find`.

Citar and Org-roam both live in [Melpa](https://melpa.org/), so you will need to [add Melpa to your package-archives](https://melpa.org/#/getting-started).

#### Email `extras/email.el`


@@ 201,24 217,30 @@ Emacs 29.1 is, as of 2023-09-04, the latest stable release. The specific feature

## Development

This is version `1.2.0`.
This is version `1.3.0`.

As of `1.0.0`, no new `use-package` declarations will be added to `init.el`. No promises on the extras. :)

This is a hobby project. Please be patient with development.
As of `1.0.0`, no new `use-package` declarations will be added to `init.el`. No promises on the extras! 

I welcome any feedback you may have. You can [open issues](https://todo.sr.ht/~ashton314/emacs-bedrock) or [drop me a line](https://lambdaland.org/#contact) directly with any comments or suggestions.

Thanks to all the folks who have contributed suggestions and bug reports. Thank you also for being patient with me as I work on this project as a hobby. :)

### Roadmap

See the [issue tracker](https://todo.sr.ht/~ashton314/emacs-bedrock) on SourceHut.

## Changelog

 - Development
 - 1.3.0

   Change magit keybinding to standard `C-x g`; drop non-standard ones. (Thanks Vincent Conus!)

   Don't set `C-s` to `consult-line` in `extras/base.el`; instead, use the recommended keybindings from the Consult manual. (Thanks Enzo Do rosario, Niluge kiwi, and Preston Hunt for discussion!)

   Add sample Denote config.

   Improve latency by slowing down auto-revert polling. (Thanks Jeff Johnson!)

 - 1.2.0
