@@ 1014,10 1014,11 @@ aengn_draw_point(int x, int y, struct aengn_rgba const* color)
aengn__global_.renderer, color->r, color->g, color->b, color->a);
- SDL_Rect const rect = {.x = x * aengn__global_.pixel_scale,
- .y = y * aengn__global_.pixel_scale,
- .w = aengn__global_.pixel_scale,
- .h = aengn__global_.pixel_scale};
+ SDL_Rect const rect = {
+ .x = x * aengn__global_.pixel_scale,
+ .y = y * aengn__global_.pixel_scale,
+ .w = aengn__global_.pixel_scale,
+ .h = aengn__global_.pixel_scale};
int const err = SDL_RenderFillRect(aengn__global_.renderer, &rect);
if (err) {
autil_errorf("[%s][SDL_RenderFillRect] %s", __func__, SDL_GetError());
@@ 1126,10 1127,11 @@ aengn_draw_texture(SDL_Texture* tex, int x, int y)
int w;
int h;
SDL_QueryTexture(tex, NULL, NULL, &w, &h);
- SDL_Rect dst = {.x = x * aengn__global_.pixel_scale,
- .y = y * aengn__global_.pixel_scale,
- .w = w * aengn__global_.pixel_scale,
- .h = h * aengn__global_.pixel_scale};
+ SDL_Rect dst = {
+ .x = x * aengn__global_.pixel_scale,
+ .y = y * aengn__global_.pixel_scale,
+ .w = w * aengn__global_.pixel_scale,
+ .h = h * aengn__global_.pixel_scale};
int const err = SDL_RenderCopy(aengn__global_.renderer, tex, NULL, &dst);
if (err) {
autil_errorf("[%s][SDL_RenderCopy] %s", __func__, SDL_GetError());
@@ 65,10 65,11 @@ runtick(void* ctx)
// AENGN_MOUSEBUTTON_LEFT pressed => Finish drawing the currently selected shape.
if (aengn_mousebutton_state(AENGN_MOUSEBUTTON_LEFT)->released) {
- struct shape const s = {.kind = selected,
- .p1 = tmp_shape_start,
- .p2 = (struct point){.x = aengn_mousepos_x(),
- .y = aengn_mousepos_y()}};
+ struct shape const s = {
+ .kind = selected,
+ .p1 = tmp_shape_start,
+ .p2 = (struct point){
+ .x = aengn_mousepos_x(), .y = aengn_mousepos_y()}};
autil_vec_insert(shapes, autil_vec_count(shapes), &s);
@@ 98,10 99,11 @@ runtick(void* ctx)
aengn_draw_shape(autil_vec_ref(shapes, i));
if (aengn_mousebutton_state(AENGN_MOUSEBUTTON_LEFT)->down) {
- struct shape const s = {.kind = selected,
- .p1 = tmp_shape_start,
- .p2 = (struct point){.x = aengn_mousepos_x(),
- .y = aengn_mousepos_y()}};
+ struct shape const s = {
+ .kind = selected,
+ .p1 = tmp_shape_start,
+ .p2 = (struct point){
+ .x = aengn_mousepos_x(), .y = aengn_mousepos_y()}};
// The shape itself.
// Start point.