
b1879544f25b6650c88d508a1a61e16f0396b0e2 — Ash 25 days ago 17a11fa
fix(content): error in zig post
1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

M content/blog/my-favorite-way-to-safely-handle-c-structs-in-zig/index.md
M content/blog/my-favorite-way-to-safely-handle-c-structs-in-zig/index.md => content/blog/my-favorite-way-to-safely-handle-c-structs-in-zig/index.md +2 -2
@@ 69,8 69,8 @@ like this:
The example isn't representative of real world use of libuv, but it gives us
something simple with a callback and nullable pointers. Inside the code we
create a libuv event loop, initialize a timer and let it run a callback with
a given context every second. As far as FFI goes this is amazing, you get to
call C functions as if they were native and it just works
a given context every 0.1 seconds. As far as FFI goes this is amazing, you get
to call C functions as if they were native and it just works

However, if you look closer at the `counter` method there are a few things
I dislike there.