
style: formatting
feat: change the way autoloading works
fix(aline#builtin): use [No Name] for empty names
fix(aline#_eval): wrong colors after colorscheme change
feat(aline#_eval): allow returning just string from function components
fix(aline#_eval): accomodate older vim versions without g:actual_curwin
fix(aline/builtin.lua): ignore null-ls
chore(aline/builtin.lua): make lsp work with v0.10
fix(aline#builtin): exception with certain short filenames
fix(aline#builtin#file): missing leading slash in paths inside root
feat: don't show anything when no icon provider available
fix(icon): use bo.filetype instead of b.filetype
fix(lsp): progress message not being cleared sometimes
fix(lsp): using 'User LspAttach' instead of 'LspAttach'
fix(aline#builtin#file): check for 0 length file name
refactor: deduplicate the autocmd callbacks
Merge commit 'e30e73f528d1c1b2ed0840500925caf178214adb'
fix: calling matchstr with wrong arguments
fix(lsp_clients): also trigger on BufEnter
feat: add missing license