
1.8.0 11 days ago .tar.gz browse log

Pro Custodibus App 1.8.0


* U2F option for secondary verification.
* Routing panel on main interface page, showing the allowed IPs for
  each endpoint.


* Replaced "2-step verification" verbiage with "secondary verification".
* Replaced simple "Verification Code" input on Log In page with
  "Secondary Verification Required" dialog (and on other forms where
  secondary verification is required).
* Changed endpoint display names to prefix them with "to" (eg now
  "to VPN Server" instead of just "VPN Server").

1.7.0 3 months ago .tar.gz browse log

Pro Custodibus App UI 1.7.0


* Host bulk upload page, allowing many hosts that connect to a central
  hub to be added at once, using the remote endpoint defaults
  configured for the hub.
* Host bulk download page, allowing the configuration for many hosts
  to be downloaded at once, packaged in a single zip file.

1.6.0 3 months ago .tar.gz browse log

Pro Custodibus App UI 1.6.0


* Don't show Service Alert & Product Announcement contact uses on-prem.
* Added appropriate quotes to Windows agent setup instructions.
* Fixed round-trip handling of interface MSS Clamping advanced setting.

1.5.0 6 months ago .tar.gz browse log

Pro Custodibus App UI 1.5.0


* Added "super user" functionality, allowing the creation of users
  who can view and manage all organizations through one login account.
  The first super user must be created through the local CLI,
  which creates a new "super organization". The app UI for this super
  org allows switching the super user's session temporarily to access
  another organization (via the "Organizations" header link), and to
  switch back (via the "Switch" header link). Note that the browser
  back button does not work correctly to go back to a previous org
  (you'll be returned to the "Organizations" list page).
* Added a "Remove" checkbox to interface edit page (enabled when the
  interface is currently down), to remove the WireGuard service that
  might otherwise automatically start the interface on boot (the agent
  will normally remove this service automatically when shutting down
  the interface -- but it won't be removed if anything else other than
  the agent shuts down the interface).
* New interface options, implemented by the agent's extra scripts
  * Firewall Zone
  * Forwarding
  * Masquerading
  * MSS Clamping
  These options are ignored unless managing the interface with the
  Pro Custodibus agent 1.6.0 or newer (and except for the Firewall Zone
  option, the agent will apply them only on Linux).
* Ability to restore an interface or endpoint to a point in time
  from the interface's or endpoint's "Changes" panel.


* Re-organized the interface/endpoint add/edit pages to move the
  important settings to the top. Also moved the advanced interface
  settings into an "Advanced Properties" section (hidden by default).
* Added a new "Extras" step to the connection wizard, and moved the
  extra options from the "Tunnel" step into it. The agent's extra
  scripts functionality is now used to implement the forwarding,
  masquerading, and MSS-clamping options from the wizard.


* Automatically set `App` URL when generating procustodibus.conf files
  (so links in wg0.conf files generated by the agent will point back to
  the correct App UI URL).

1.4.0 8 months ago .tar.gz browse log

Pro Custodibus App UI 1.4.0


* Allow defaults to be configured for new remote connections to a
  WireGuard interface; and allow these defaults to be reapplied to
  existing connections.
* Environment variables to override help link and logo image
  (`HELP_URL` and `LOGO_URL`).


* Fixed connection wizard when one side of the connection already
  exists to, instead of failing, update the existing endpoint.
* Improved display of local (aka Login ID) contact types.

1.3.0 10 months ago .tar.gz browse log

Pro Custodibus App UI 1.3.0


* Added explicit download buttons to host setup page, as well as a
  confirmation message when a file is downloaded.


* Updated host setup instructions to show platform-specific instructions,
  including instructions for Windows.


* Fixed `/.well-known/acme-challenge/` rewrite rule in example
  `apache.conf` file.

1.2.2 11 months ago .tar.gz browse log

Pro Custodibus App UI 1.2.2


* When peer private key is not stored, added an edit icon on the peer
  Manage Key Pair panel to allow the private key to be added.


* Fixed race condition when downloading new agent config and setup
  files, where a duplicate agent account could be created (causing
  setup code to be downloaded for wrong agent).
* Fixed display of host page for host admins, to show the full display
  (instead of just the info panel).
* Fixed link to add an endpoint for host admins, to send user directly
  to the add manually page (instead of allowing the user to use
  the wizard, for which the user does not have sufficient permissions).

1.2.1 1 year, 1 month ago .tar.gz browse log

Pro Custodibus App UI 1.2.1


* Fixed broken peer picker on preshared-key rotation Peers panel.

1.2.0 1 year, 1 month ago .tar.gz browse log

Pro Custodibus App UI 1.2.0


* New connection wizard for adding interfaces & endpoints.
* Environment variable (`VITE_APP_RDAP_URL`) for canonical root URL
  of RDAP endpoint.


* Fixed diff highlighting for queued changes in endpoint Allowed IPs panel.
* Use fixed-width font for Pre/Post/Up/Down interface textareas.
* Trim whitespace from Login ID on Log In form.


* Upgraded misc dependencies to latest.
* Improved mechanics of peer & host pickers.

1.1.1 1 year, 4 months ago .tar.gz browse log

Pro Custodibus App UI 1.1.1


* Made email fields optional in on-prem signup & create-user forms.
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