
synchronizes your WireGuard settings with Pro Custodibus
version 1.7.7
inc copyright year to 2025
fix file-locking err when updating psk on windows



You can also use your local clone with git send-email.

#Pro Custodibus Agent

Pro Custodibus is a service that makes WireGuard networks easy to deploy and manage. You run the Pro Custodibus agent on each WireGuard host you want to manage, and the agent monitors and synchronizes the hosts' WireGuard settings with the remote Pro Custodibus service.


Requires python 3.8 or newer and libsodium. Installer script can install requirements, plus the agent itself, on most linuxes, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and macOS (if macOS has Homebrew). Install from source like the following:

./install.sh --install

Or run it like the following to see more options:

./install.sh --help

See the Installer Documentation for full details (or to download the pre-built Windows installer).


The docker/wireguard.dockerfile is built weekly and pushed to the docker.io/procustodibus/wireguard repository. It produces a base WireGuard image without the agent.

The docker/agent.dockerfile is built weekly and pushed to the docker.io/procustodibus/agent repository. It produces a Docker image with WireGuard and the latest agent installed together.

Run either image by placing your WireGuard or Pro Custodibus configuration files in a host directory like /srv/containers/wireguard/conf, and then running the image like the following:

docker run \
    --cap-add NET_ADMIN \
    --publish 51820:51820/udp \
    --name wireguard \
    --rm \
    --volume /srv/containers/wireguard/conf:/etc/wireguard \

See the Container Documentation for full details.


#Set up dev env

  1. Create a virtualenv with pyenv:

    pyenv virtualenv 3.10.4 procustodibus-agent
  2. Activate the virtualenv:

    pyenv local procustodibus-agent 3.8.19 3.9.19 3.10.14 3.11.9 3.12.4
  3. Install tox:

    pip install tox
  4. Install pre-commit and pre-push hooks:

    tox -e pre-commit -- install
    tox -e pre-commit -- install -t pre-push

#Dev tasks

List all tox tasks you can run:

tox -av

Run unit tests in watch mode:

tox -e watch

Build and run docker dev image (with *.conf files in /srv/containers/wireguard/conf):

tox -e build
docker/dev.sh dev
docker run \
    --cap-add NET_ADMIN \
    --publish 51820:51820/udp \
    --name wireguard \
    --rm \
    --volume /srv/containers/wireguard/conf:/etc/wireguard \

Run all (docker-based) installer tests:

docker-compose -f test_install/docker-compose.yml build --pull
tox -e py310 -- test_install

Manually run pre-push hook on all version-controlled files:

tox -e pre-commit -- run -a --hook-stage push

#Build Windows installer

  1. Install Python.

  2. Install Inno Setup.

  3. Create a virtualenv:

    python -m venv C:\venvs\procustodibus-agent
  4. Activate the virtualenv:

  5. Install tox:

    pip install tox
  6. Build the Windows executables with cx_freeze:

    tox -e build_exe
  7. Build the Windows installer with Inno Setup:

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 6\ISCC.exe" installer\windows.iss

The installer will be built as dist\ProCustodibusAgentInstaller.exe.




The MIT License