
user-mode Glendix (Plan9/Linux)
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qemu wip patch
bind fix


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uglendix is the fourth (1, 2, 3) attempt at running Plan 9 userspace under Linux the kernel. The goal is to run unmodified Plan 9 binaries and to be compatible with a typical GNU/Linux installation (resolving uids based on getpwnam-family functions).

uglendix borrows ideas and decisions heavily from drawterm and u9fs.

Currently using the emulation layer you can:

  • [x] rebuild full Plan 9 distribution for all architectures (single-threaded only: all processes share env)
  • [x] mount and use Plan 9 userspace filesystems like dossrv or 9660srv
  • [x] kind of use network services (no /net/tls but hey)
  • [ ] connect to a uglendix CPU server (flaky underhanded /net)
  • [ ] use GUI (no /dev/draw, /dev/mouse and friends)

If you have sufficient coding skills and lots of spare time you can probably:

  • [ ] make Wayland (or X) servers talk to /dev/draw instead of GPU
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