
personal txt log highlighting support for the Vim editor
highlight urls
add support for code format (backtics)
tags must be preceded by white-space or line start


browse  log 



You can also use your local clone with git send-email.

#Personal text log syntax file for Vim

This is a Vim syntax highlighting file file for the personal text log file as described in Jeff Huangs's My productivity app for the past 12 years has been a single .txt file.

To see how the syntax highlighting works, you can use the following snippet:

- pushed initial version of the syntax highlighting to Sourcehut
- TODO: update ssh known_hosts file
! renewed ssh keys on the server, the new fingerprint is ...
- set terminal title #howto
	echo -n "\033]0;TITLE\007"


Put the syntax/txtlog.vim file to your $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/ directory. Alternatively, you can use bundle manager such as Vundle or Pathogen.

Then you can use the following command to apply the syntax highlighting to the current buffer:

:set ft=txtlog

I use the following modeline at the end of my personal log file:



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