
A telegram bot that generates a RSS feed so you can use your RSS reader as a reading list.
implemented the bot-side logic, only the url check/fetch and the rss file generation to do


browse  log 



You can also use your local clone with git send-email.

#RSS for later (RSSFL)

A telegram bot that generates a RSS feed so you can use your RSS reader as a reading list.

#Why telegram?

Because i use it, and it's easier and more convenient to send something to it than a website, especially when i'm on my mobile phone (as telegram integrates well with the phone's share system but a website doesn't).


The configuration is currently done through the environment. You need to provide a telegram bot token to RSSFL to be able to use it (how to create a telegram bot? - TODO).

  • TELOXIDE_TOKEN: The telegram bot token to use
  • ALLOWED_CHANNEL: The channel/user DM the bot will accept messages from


This repository and all its code and assets are licensed under the CNPLv7+ license.

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