
a (hopefully) pretty dumb file sharer / requester
upload done
added rename, some tests to fix the slugify stuff
added delete


browse  log 



You can also use your local clone with git send-email.


a (hopefully) pretty dumb file sharer / requester


  • doesn't require any specific domain to expose or request files from the admin panel
  • works with the base filesystem and a sqlite DB

#notes dump

  • everything behind login for now, all the shiny adv. stuff isnt needed for now, i just want something to upload and manage files

  • mobile ui fully functional for at least latest safari ios

  • most needed features: upload, rename, delete

  • upload is a file picker with optional file name rename (it'll be slugified and trunc to 512 chars) and config-based max file size

    • p2: small feature upgrade js script to autofill the file name rename field with the file's slugified name on file pick
    • p2: it generates a link to the file, domain name (or "file access prefix/root") config-based. there's also an action on the list to get that link
  • rename renames the pretty file name in the db and mv's the file into its new slugified name

    • p2: keeping old names to avoid overlap / accidental file overwrite. frees the names when deleting the file
  • delete is a button pushing towards a confirm page. it fully deletes the file

    • p2: audit log "file x deleted at"
  • ideas for p2+

    • auto-delete by expiration
    • file request (generates a link where ppl can upload a file)
      • email when the link's been used (aka someone uploaded something)
      • small password generation to give alongside the link or smth
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