
Because going on a bank website to do my accounting sucks hard
working tool hell ye


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You can also use your local clone with git send-email.

#Credit Mutuel Grabber

A scripted-browser-based tool prototype to automate grabbing purchase journals from Credit Mutuel.

#How to use

If it's been a while since you last used it, or if it's your first run, execute the command yarn connect. You will have the GDPR skip, login form, then 2FA form to fill.

Once this is done, simply set the period in your environment as shown below and run yarn extract. It will create a file named export.xlsm, which is your excel export.

In case you obtain authentication errors during yarn extract, re-run the yarn connect command and make sure you're properly logged in.

An example usage is shown below.

$ yarn
$ yarn playwright install chromium
$ yarn connect
$ PERIOD="01/01/2023:31/01/2023" yarn extract


You need to configure your environment (.env files are supported) to contain your username, password, and list of accounts to export.

  • USERNAME: your Crédit Mutuel username
  • PASSWORD: your Crédit Mutuel password
  • ACCOUNTS: the list of accounts to export, separated by :. Note that this does a substring match, so if your account name is "C/C EUROCOMPTE JEUNE LASTNAME FIRSTNAME", simply writing "EUROCOMPTE JEUNE" will select it.

For a given export, you also need to write the period in the environment under the PERIOD env key. The period is of format FROM:TO, where FROM and TO are of the date format dd/MM/YYYY, e.g. 28/02/2023.

#Dev notes

I'll make something cleaner and easier to install/use someday.

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