M .vscode/launch.json => .vscode/launch.json +2 -2
@@ 9,7 9,7 @@
"type": "go",
"request": "launch",
"mode": "auto",
- "args": ["-p", "../aphrodite", "build", "-v"],
+ "args": ["-p", "../aphrodite.dev", "build", "-v"],
"program": "${workspaceFolder}"
@@ 17,7 17,7 @@
"type": "go",
"request": "launch",
"mode": "auto",
- "args": ["-p", "../aphrodite", "watch", "-v"],
+ "args": ["-p", "../aphrodite.dev", "watch", "-v"],
"program": "${workspaceFolder}"
M README.md => README.md +1 -1
@@ 43,7 43,7 @@ What are the differences between both?
- External build scripts
- Zola is a one-shot builder not including any "external buildscript" support
- - Cap has a configuration property (`postbuildcommands`) made to provide an ordered list of commands you want to run after Cap has built the blog
+ - Cap has a configuration property made to provide an ordered list of commands you want to run after Cap has built the blog
- The why: I have this need for my blog, because I have a post-build script that modifies every HTML file to set a custom theme value
- Gemini support
- Zola is markdown-based, and doesn't have in its scopes to support Gemini
M builder.go => builder.go +9 -14
@@ 28,9 28,10 @@ func Build(root string, args *Args) (*Config, error) {
domain.L.Debugf("Config loaded:\n%v", cfg)
if args.DisableImageOptimization {
- domain.L.Info("Image optimization has been disabled for both images and thumbnails")
- cfg.Images.Disable = true
+ domain.L.Info("Thumbnails optimization has been disabled")
cfg.Thumbnails.Disable = true
+ } else if _, err := exec.LookPath("convert"); err != nil {
+ domain.L.Warn("`convert` not found in path. Did you install ImageMagick? Disabling thumbnail optimization")
// 2. Creating file index
@@ 67,27 68,21 @@ func Build(root string, args *Args) (*Config, error) {
- fb.MediaPool = mediapool.InitAndStartAsyncMediaPool(func(id int, wg *sync.WaitGroup, mediaPipeline <-chan *domain.ContentFile, errorPipeline chan<- error) {
+ fb.ThumbnailPool = mediapool.InitAndStartAsyncMediaPool(func(id int, wg *sync.WaitGroup, mediaPipeline <-chan *domain.ContentFile, errorPipeline chan<- error) {
defer wg.Done()
for media := range mediaPipeline {
- domain.L.Debugf("[Worker #%d] Handling media %s", id, media.RelativePath)
+ domain.L.Debugf("[Worker #%d] Generating thumbnail for media %s", id, media.RelativePath)
- globalConfigToUse := map[domain.ContentFileType]OptimizationParameters{
- domain.ContentFileTypeUnused: fb.Config.Images,
- domain.ContentFileTypeMedia: fb.Config.Images,
- domain.ContentFileTypeThumbnail: fb.Config.Thumbnails,
- }[media.Kind]
- // Ensuring the folder exists, since we're breaking the object tree system
+ // Ensuring the folder exists, since we're breaking the ordered object tree system
targetDir := filepath.Dir(fb.GetPath(media.RelativeOutputPath, true))
if err := os.MkdirAll(targetDir, 0755); err != nil {
errorPipeline <- err
- if err := fb.HandleMedia(globalConfigToUse, media); err != nil {
- domain.L.Debugf("[Worker #%d] Failed handling media %s with error\n%v", id, media.RelativePath, err)
+ if err := fb.HandleMedia(fb.Config.Thumbnails, media); err != nil {
+ domain.L.Debugf("[Worker #%d] Failed generating thumbnail for media %s with error\n%v", id, media.RelativePath, err)
errorPipeline <- err
@@ 120,7 115,7 @@ func Build(root string, args *Args) (*Config, error) {
// 7a. Check on (and wait for) the media processing pipeline
- err = fb.MediaPool.WaitForFinish()
+ err = fb.ThumbnailPool.WaitForFinish()
if err != nil {
return cfg, err
M config.go => config.go +0 -12
@@ 30,13 30,6 @@ func LoadConfig(path string) (*Config, error) {
outputCfg := Config{
- Images: OptimizationParameters{
- KeepMetadata: false,
- ResizeRatio: "x720",
- DisableProgressive: false,
- Quality: 85,
- SamplingFactor: "4:2:0",
- },
Thumbnails: OptimizationParameters{
KeepMetadata: false,
ResizeRatio: "x240",
@@ 58,11 51,6 @@ func LoadConfig(path string) (*Config, error) {
outputCfg.PostBuild.Commands = append(outputCfg.PostBuild.Commands, outputCfg.PostBuildCommands...)
- if outputCfg.DisableImageOptimization {
- domain.L.Warn("The disable_image_optimization property is deprecated in favor of the images.disable property.\nThe deprecated one will also disable optimization for thumbnails.")
- outputCfg.Images.Disable = outputCfg.DisableImageOptimization
- outputCfg.Thumbnails.Disable = outputCfg.DisableImageOptimization
- }
if err = validator.New().Struct(outputCfg); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("in the capsule's config file,\n%s", err.Error())
M handler.go => handler.go +7 -51
@@ 17,8 17,6 @@ import (
- "github.com/imdario/mergo"
- "github.com/pelletier/go-toml/v2"
// HandleAssets builds the output folder for raw assets, and then copies them all over.
@@ 77,16 75,10 @@ func (f *FsBuilder) HandleSection(section *domain.Section) (int, error) {
- if f.Config.Images.Disable {
- // If disabled, handle the medias as files
- for _, media := range section.Media {
- if err := f.HandleFile(media); err != nil {
- return 0, err
- }
+ for _, media := range section.Media {
+ if err := f.HandleFile(media); err != nil {
+ return 0, err
- } else {
- // If enabled, handle the medias as images, through multiple workers
- f.MediaPool.AddMedias(section.Media)
if section.Page != nil {
@@ 96,9 88,9 @@ func (f *FsBuilder) HandleSection(section *domain.Section) (int, error) {
if section.Page.ThumbnailFile != nil {
- domain.L.Debugf("Found thumbnail for page %s, handling as media", section.Page.Permalink)
+ domain.L.Debugf("Found thumbnail for page %s, marking for compression", section.Page.Permalink)
- f.MediaPool.AddMedias([]*domain.ContentFile{section.Page.ThumbnailFile})
+ f.ThumbnailPool.AddMedias([]*domain.ContentFile{section.Page.ThumbnailFile})
for _, page := range section.Pages {
@@ 110,7 102,7 @@ func (f *FsBuilder) HandleSection(section *domain.Section) (int, error) {
if page.ThumbnailFile != nil {
domain.L.Debugf("Found thumbnail for page %s, handling as media", page.Permalink)
- f.MediaPool.AddMedias([]*domain.ContentFile{page.ThumbnailFile})
+ f.ThumbnailPool.AddMedias([]*domain.ContentFile{page.ThumbnailFile})
@@ 253,8 245,7 @@ func (f *FsBuilder) HandleFeed(feed *domain.Feed) error {
// HandleMedia takes a media file, and tried to render it using imagemagick's convert command.
func (f *FsBuilder) HandleMedia(optimizationParameters OptimizationParameters, media *domain.ContentFile) error {
- shouldBeIgnored := optimizationParameters.Disable ||
- strings.HasPrefix(filepath.Base(media.Path), "raw.")
+ shouldBeIgnored := optimizationParameters.Disable
if shouldBeIgnored {
return f.HandleFile(media)
@@ 269,21 260,6 @@ func (f *FsBuilder) HandleMedia(optimizationParameters OptimizationParameters, m
domain.L.Debug("`convert` found, running it against the file")
- configPath := media.Path + ".toml"
- if _, err := os.Stat(configPath); err == nil {
- loadedParams, err := LoadOptimizationParametersFromFile(configPath)
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf(
- "tried to load optimization parameters from the configuration file %s, for the image at %s, but failed\n%s",
- media.RelativePath+".toml",
- media.RelativePath,
- err.Error(),
- )
- }
- mergo.Merge(&optimizationParameters, *loadedParams, mergo.WithOverride)
- }
if err := f.HandleMediaCompression(media, optimizationParameters); err != nil {
domain.L.Warnf("Compression failed for image %s, copying as-is instead", media.RelativePath)
if err == context.DeadlineExceeded {
@@ 298,26 274,6 @@ func (f *FsBuilder) HandleMedia(optimizationParameters OptimizationParameters, m
return nil
-// LoadOptimizationParametersFromFile loads parameters from an image-specific configuration file.
-// TODO: add default passing handling instead of singleton
-func LoadOptimizationParametersFromFile(path string) (*OptimizationParameters, error) {
- cfg := &OptimizationParameters{}
- fd, err := os.Open(path)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- defer fd.Close()
- data, _ := io.ReadAll(fd)
- err = toml.Unmarshal(data, cfg)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return cfg, nil
// HandleMediaCompression takes the media, its configuration, and lets imagemagick's convert do its magic with image resizing and compression.
func (f *FsBuilder) HandleMediaCompression(media *domain.ContentFile, optimizationParameters OptimizationParameters) error {
from := f.GetPath(media.RelativePath, false)
M types.go => types.go +12 -14
@@ 37,12 37,12 @@ type FileListOpts struct {
// FsBuilder contains the state of the capsule builder objects.
type FsBuilder struct {
- InputPath string
- OutputPath string
- Config *Config
- Templates *template.Template
- Index *domain.Index
- MediaPool *mediapool.AsyncMediaPool
+ InputPath string
+ OutputPath string
+ Config *Config
+ Templates *template.Template
+ Index *domain.Index
+ ThumbnailPool *mediapool.AsyncMediaPool
// OptimizationParameters defines all optimization parameters the user can configure for tweaking and fine-tuning the media compression.
@@ 78,14 78,12 @@ type PostBuildConfig struct {
// Config stores the capsule's configuration, including metadata, media optimization info, post-build commands, etc.
type Config struct {
- Capsule CapsuleConfig
- Images OptimizationParameters
- Thumbnails OptimizationParameters
- IncludeSource string `toml:"include_source" validate:"omitempty,oneof=none gemini all"`
- DisableImageOptimization bool `toml:"disable_image_optimization"`
- PostBuildCommands []string `toml:"post_build_commands"`
- PostBuild PostBuildConfig `toml:"post_build"`
- FoldersToIgnore []string `toml:"ignore"`
+ Capsule CapsuleConfig
+ Thumbnails OptimizationParameters
+ IncludeSource string `toml:"include_source" validate:"omitempty,oneof=none gemini all"`
+ PostBuildCommands []string `toml:"post_build_commands"`
+ PostBuild PostBuildConfig `toml:"post_build"`
+ FoldersToIgnore []string `toml:"ignore"`
// WatchCMD contains the subcommand's flags and arguments