
minecraft map renderer
update micronbt
increment y on higher block; minor refactoring
update micronbt


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Mapka ("map" in Czech, pronounced as [Ėˆmapka]) is a simple map renderer for Minecraft. It aims to be fast and portable, and to support a wide range of versions, while maintaining the look and feel of the Minecraft map item.

Supported versions range from rd-132211 to 1.1 (inclusive).


A basic Unix environment is sufficient to build the project. It includes:

  • any C99 compiler (tested with GCC, Clang and TinyCC)
  • POSIX libc (tested with glibc and musl)
  • Bash (for the data/gen_blockdata script)
  • Unix core utilities

If you are on Windows, you can use w64devkit.

To build the project, just run make.


./mapka [input-dir-path] [output-file-path] [level-format]

level-format is a world format specifier encoded as one of the following numbers:

  • 1 for Classic (from rd-132211 to c0.30)
  • 2 for Alpha (from infdev to b1.2)
  • 3 for Region (from b1.2 to 1.3)

Usage example:

mapka ~/path/to/.minecraft/level/MyWorld/region/ ./map.png 3

This command will render a Beta MyWorld to map.png.


The following libraries are included into the project:


The software is licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0

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