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Fix aes spitting garbage on Linux
Separate Makefiles for GNU make on Linux and BSD make on FreeBSD
Improve Makefile
Make RSA work with OpenSSL 1.1.1l as well
Remove a test file
Merge branch 'aes' into openssl-3.0
Add a bunch of CPP to get it compiling with OpenSSL 1.1.1

But not fully working yet
Preliminary Implementation of AES Encryption/Decryption
Initial notes on AES encryption and decryption
Update Makefile
Add lib64 to LDIR

As tested on OpenSSL 3.0.0-beta2
Finish porting to OpenSSL 3.0
Avoid OpenSSL 3.0 deprecations during RSA encrypt
Check key id for RSA key validation
Replace RSA specific structures with EVP_PKEY
Prepare for migration to OpenSSL 3.0
Fix hyperlink in README
Exit with proper exit code in case of encryption / decryption errors
Handle file open errors
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