A dotfiles/.scripts/change_wall => dotfiles/.scripts/change_wall +51 -0
@@ 0,0 1,51 @@
+get_random_wallpaper() {
+ # first argument is the wallpaper directory
+ wallpaper=$(find "$1"/${WALLPAPER_PREFIX}* -type f | shuf -n 1)
+set_wallpaper() {
+ # first argument is path to wallpaper
+ setroot $SETROOT_FLAGS "$1"
+get_and_set_random_wallpaper() {
+ # first argument is the wallpaper directory
+ get_random_wallpaper "$1"
+ set_wallpaper "$wallpaper"
+reset_subject() {
+ [ -e "$TOGGLE" ] && rm "$TOGGLE"
+change_wallpaper() {
+ if [ -e "$TOGGLE" ]; then
+ get_and_set_random_wallpaper "$FEMININE_WALLPAPER_DIR"
+ else
+ get_and_set_random_wallpaper "$NORMAL_WALLPAPER_DIR"
+ fi
+change_subject() {
+ if [ ! -e "$TOGGLE" ]; then
+ touch "$TOGGLE"
+ else
+ rm "$TOGGLE"
+ fi
+if [ "$1" = "init" ]; then
+ reset_subject
+elif [ "$1" = "toggle" ]; then
+ change_subject
A dotfiles/.scripts/dwm_status => dotfiles/.scripts/dwm_status +86 -0
@@ 0,0 1,86 @@
+#DSEP=" ‖ "
+SEP=" "
+DSEP=" :: "
+get_percentage_used() {
+ percentage="$(df -h | grep "$1" | awk '{ print $5 }')"
+get_storage_status() {
+ get_percentage_used "/dev/sda1"
+ storage_status="/ $percentage${SEP}"
+ get_percentage_used "/dev/sda2"
+ storage_status="${storage_status}~ $percentage"
+get_mem_usage() {
+ #https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/awk-to-convert-bytes-to-human-number-909214/
+ mem_usage=" $(free | awk 'FNR==2{
+ split( "K M G" , v );
+ p=( $3 * 100 / $2 );
+ s=1;
+ while ( $3>=1024 ) {
+ $3 /= 1024;
+ s++;
+ }
+ if ( s>2 ) {
+ printf "%.1f%c (%.0f%%)", $3, v[s], p
+ } else {
+ printf "%.0f%c (%.0f%%)", $3, v[s], p
+ }
+ }')"
+get_temp_core() {
+ temperature="$(sensors | grep "Core $1" | awk '{ print $3 }')"
+get_temperature_status() {
+ get_temp_core "0"
+ temperature_status=" $temperature${SEP}"
+ get_temp_core "1"
+ temperature_status="${temperature_status} $temperature"
+get_volume() {
+ if pamixer --get-mute >> /dev/null; then
+ volume_icon=""
+ elif [ "$(pamixer --get-volume)" -le "50" ]; then
+ volume_icon=""
+ else
+ volume_icon=""
+ fi
+ volume_status="$volume_icon $(pamixer --get-volume-human)"
+get_status_line() {
+ # storage
+ get_storage_status
+ status_line="${PADDING}${storage_status}"
+ # memory
+ get_mem_usage
+ status_line="${status_line}${DSEP}${mem_usage}"
+ # temperature
+ get_temperature_status
+ status_line="${status_line}${DSEP}${temperature_status}"
+ # volume
+ get_volume
+ status_line="${status_line}${DSEP}${volume_status}"
+ # date
+ status_line="${status_line}${DSEP} $(date '+%a, %b %d')"
+ # time
+ status_line="${status_line}${DSEP} $(date +%H:%M)${PADDING}"
+xsetroot -name "$status_line"
A dotfiles/.scripts/mosh_master_man.sh => dotfiles/.scripts/mosh_master_man.sh +73 -0
@@ 0,0 1,73 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Edited and abbreviated version of "ANSI code generator"
+# © Copyright 2015 Tyler Akins
+# Licensed under the MIT license with an additional non-advertising clause
+# See http://github.com/fidian/ansi
+color-table() {
+ FNB_LOWER="$(colorize 2 22 f)n$(colorize 1 22 b)"
+ FNB_UPPER="$(colorize 2 22 F)N$(colorize 1 22 B)"
+ echo -n "bold $(colorize 1 22 Sample) "
+ echo -n "faint $(colorize 2 22 Sample) "
+ echo "italic $(colorize 3 23 Sample)"
+ echo -n "underline $(colorize 4 24 Sample) "
+ echo -n "blink $(colorize 5 25 Sample) "
+ echo "inverse $(colorize 7 27 Sample)"
+ echo "invisible $(colorize 8 28 Sample)"
+ echo -n "strike $(colorize 9 29 Sample) "
+ echo -n "fraktur $(colorize 20 23 Sample) "
+ echo "double-underline $(colorize 21 24 Sample)"
+ echo -n "frame $(colorize 51 54 Sample) "
+ echo -n "encircle $(colorize 52 54 Sample) "
+ echo "overline $(colorize 53 55 Sample)"
+ echo ""
+ echo " black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white"
+ for BG in 40:black 41:red 42:green 43:yellow 44:blue 45:magenta 46:cyan 47:white; do
+ PADDED="bg-${BG:3} "
+ PADDED="${PADDED:0:13}"
+ echo -n "$PADDED"
+ for FG in 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37; do
+ echo -n "$CSI${BG:0:2};${FG}m"
+ echo -n "$FNB_LOWER"
+ echo -n "$CSI$(( $FG + 60 ))m"
+ echo -n "$FNB_UPPER"
+ echo -n "${CSI}0m "
+ done
+ echo ""
+ echo -n " +intense "
+ for FG in 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37; do
+ echo -n "$CSI$(( ${BG:0:2} + 60 ));${FG}m"
+ echo -n "$FNB_LOWER"
+ echo -n "$CSI$(( $FG + 60 ))m"
+ echo -n "$FNB_UPPER"
+ echo -n "${CSI}0m "
+ done
+ echo ""
+ done
+ echo ""
+ echo "Legend:"
+ echo " Normal color: f = faint, n = normal, b = bold."
+ echo " Intense color: F = faint, N = normal, B = bold."
+colorize() {
+ echo -n "$CSI${1}m$3$CSI${2}m"
+# Handle long options until we hit an unrecognized thing
+ESC="$(echo -e '\033')"
A dotfiles/.scripts/query_twitch.py => dotfiles/.scripts/query_twitch.py +58 -0
@@ 0,0 1,58 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import requests
+import re
+import json
+import time
+users = [
+ "tsoding",
+ "lastmiles",
+ "enceladosaurus",
+ "rwxrob",
+ "beginbot",
+ "baldengineer",
+ "juliestrator",
+s = requests.session()
+homepage = s.get("https://www.twitch.tv").text
+client_id = re.search('"Client-ID" ?: ?"(.*?)"', homepage).group(1)
+payload = []
+for username in users:
+ gql_query = 'query{user(login:"USERNAME"){login stream{type}}}'
+ payload.append({"query": gql_query.replace("USERNAME", username)})
+resp = s.post(
+ "https://gql.twitch.tv/gql",
+ data=json.dumps(payload),
+ headers={"Client-ID": client_id},
+ts = int(time.time())
+i = 0 # User index
+for stream in resp:
+ if not stream["data"]["user"]:
+ print(f"{ts} \033[31;7mError : \033[31;1;7m" + users[i] + "\033[0;31;7m was not found!\033[0m")
+ i += 1
+ continue
+ username = stream["data"]["user"]["login"]
+ online = stream["data"]["user"]["stream"] is not None
+ if online:
+ ts_hl = '\033[33m'
+ username_hl = '\033[31;1m'
+ status_hl = '\033[32;1;7m'
+ end_hl = '\033[0m'
+ else:
+ ts_hl = ''
+ username_hl = ''
+ status_hl = ''
+ end_hl = ''
+ print(f"{ts_hl}{ts} {username_hl}{username} {status_hl}{online}{end_hl}")
+ i += 1
A dotfiles/.scripts/reflector.sh => dotfiles/.scripts/reflector.sh +2 -0
@@ 0,0 1,2 @@
+sudo reflector --verbose --latest 6 --age 24 --protocol https --protocol http --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
A dotfiles/.scripts/screenshot => dotfiles/.scripts/screenshot +2 -0
@@ 0,0 1,2 @@
+scrot "/home/ray/pictures/screenshots/%s_%H%M_%d.%m.%Y_\$wx\$h.png" --quality 100
M stage.sh => stage.sh +6 -0
@@ 36,3 36,9 @@ NVIM_INIT_VIM="init.vim"
+# Scripts
+cp "$HOME/$SCRIPTS_DIR"/* \