@@ 14,16 14,29 @@ static inline void enable_raw_mode(void)
atexit(disable_raw_mode); /* defer call to disable_raw_mode() */
- /* Fetch the current attributes and save it */
+ /* Fetch the current attributes and keep a copy */
tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &orig_termios);
raw = orig_termios;
/* turn off a bunch of things:
- * ECHO : echoing of characters
- * ICANON : canonical mode (read byte-by-byte)
- * ISIG : signals like SIGINT (^C) and SIGSTP (^Z)
+ * BRKINT : send SIGINT on break
+ * ICRNL : translation of '\r' to '\n'
+ * INPCK : parity checking
+ * ISTRIP : strip 8th bit of every input byte
+ * IXON : software flow control (^S and ^Q)
+ * OPOST : translation of "\n" to "\r\n"
+ * ECHO : echoing of characters
+ * ICANON : canonical mode (not reading byte-by-byte)
+ * IEXTEN : ^V
+ * ISIG : signals like SIGINT (on ^C) and SIGSTP (on ^Z)
- raw.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ICANON | ISIG);
+ raw.c_iflag &= ~(BRKINT | ICRNL | INPCK | ISTRIP | IXON);
+ raw.c_oflag &= ~(OPOST);
+ raw.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ICANON | IEXTEN | ISIG);
+ /* Set character size to 8 bits per byte.
+ * This isn't always necessary */
+ raw.c_cflag |= (CS8);
tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &raw);