microdns is a database-backed authoritative nameserver based on Dan
Bernstein's public domain tinydns, but reworked and updated for modern
RFC compliance, efficient multiplexed TCP service and full IPv6 support.
Unlike the original djbdns distribution, microdns does not include AXFR
facilities, a caching recursive server, or the client library and tools.
Its data file format has also diverged a little from that of tinydns.
To generate data.cdb in the current directory, pass text records as
described in FORMAT to dnsdata on stdin:
dnsdata < data
The database is first compiled in data.tmp then, if no errors were
encountered, data.cdb is atomically replaced by renaming data.tmp on top.
Input errors will be reported on stderr with the offending line number,
in which case data.cdb will not be replaced and dnsdata will exit with
status 2 instead of 0. Program errors such as memory exhaustion or failure
to write data.tmp are flagged with exit status 1.
Use -f to forcibly replace data.cdb despite input errors, -n to validate
input without touching data.cdb, and -t FS to change field separator from
the standard colon. Run dnsdata without arguments on a terminal for help
and a full list of options.
If stdin comes from a regular file, the file's modification time is
used as the default SOA serial number. If dnsdata reads from a pipe,
the program invocation time is used instead.
udpdns and tcpdns
UDP port 53 service is provided by udpdns and TCP port 53 service is
provided by tcpdns. Each offers help when run without arguments.
Given one or more IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses on the command line, tcpdns
and udpdns will bind to them, fork into the background then respond
to inbound queries using the data.cdb file in the current directory.
They detect updates to data.cdb automatically and need not be restarted.
The -f flag keeps the server in the foreground, and -u USER or -u UID:GID
instructs it to drop root privileges after binding sockets. It chroots
into the current directory with data.cdb before doing so.
Both server types are single-threaded. tcpdns uses poll() to service a
pool of up to 256 concurrent query streams and udpdns handles datagram
queries sequentially. Authoritative DNS service is cheap so one daemon of
each type is usually ample. However, sockets are bound with SO_REUSEPORT
or SO_REUSEPORT_LB to enable multiple instances to coexist on the same
addresses if necessary, sharing load across processes and cores.
In general these servers should be run on specific addresses rather than or :: wildcards. If udpdns binds to a wildcard and there is a
choice of source addresses to reach a client, responses may not be sent
from the same local address that received the query. Unfortunately there
is no portable access to the local destination of a received datagram,
so UDP servers must bind addresses individually to distinguish them.
Building and installing
Run 'make install' at the top of the source tree to install dnsdata,
tcpdns and udpdns in /bin. Alternatively, you can set DESTDIR and/or
BINDIR to install in a different location, or make, strip and copy the
binaries into the correct place manually.
The programs should be portable to any reasonably modern POSIX system.
Please report any problems or bugs to Chris Webb <chris@arachsys.com>.
This software is based on Dan Bernstein's djbdns and cdb packages which
he placed in the public domain on 28th December 2007 and 21st July 2009
respectively. It is maintained by Chris Webb <chris@arachsys.com> and is
distributed as Free Software under the terms of the MIT license in COPYING.