M ccommand.c => ccommand.c +1 -3
@@ 130,7 130,7 @@ CKey_scan(void)
dohelp(PRIMARY, editwin);
wattrset(editwin, PROMPTATTR);
- wp1("Strike a MENU KEY or RETURN: ");
+ wpn("Strike a MENU KEY or RETURN: ");
wattrset(editwin, A_NORMAL);
ch = waitkey();
@@ 259,8 259,6 @@ CKey_scan(void)
addtext(ch); /* All else is text */
- warnflag2 = 0;
- return;
/* --------------------------------------
M fcommand.c => fcommand.c +21 -31
@@ 106,33 106,29 @@ FKey_scan(void)
case KEY_HELP:
case KEY_F(3): /* Function key mode help screen */
wmove(editwin, 0, 0);
- wp1("[`F1`] Cancel command, or undelete [`F6`] Search for and replace text\n");
- wp1("[`F2`] Search for string of text [`F7`] Exit SUE, optionally saving text\n");
+ wpn("[`F1`] Cancel command, or undelete [`F6`] Search for and replace text\n");
+ wpn("[`F2`] Search for string of text [`F7`] Exit SUE, optionally saving text\n");
if (restricted)
- { wp1("[`F3`] This help");
- }
+ wpn("[`F3`] This help");
- { wp1("[`F3`] This help [`F8`] Retrieve a new file from disk\n");
- }
- wp1("[`F4`] Block function menu [`F9`] Reformat text to end of paragraph\n");
+ wpn("[`F3`] This help [`F8`] Retrieve a new file from disk\n");
+ wpn("[`F4`] Block function menu [`F9`] Reformat text to end of paragraph\n");
if (noF5)
- { wp1("[`F12`] Setup menu (change defaults) [`F10`] Save text to file and continue\n");
- }
+ wpn("[`F12`] Setup menu (change defaults) [`F10`] Save text to file and continue\n");
- { wp1("[`F5`] Setup menu (change defaults) [`F10`] Save text to file and continue\n");
- }
- wp1("`PgUp/PgDn`, `arrow keys` - scroll text `Insert` - toggle insert/overwrite\n");
- wp1("`Home-Up/Down` - to top, end of file `Home-Left/Right` - left, right end of line\n");
- wp1("`Home-B` - word back `Home-F` - word forward\n");
- wp1("`Home-T` - erase word `Home-Y` - erase line\n");
- wp1("`Home-N` - insert line after cursor `Home-L` - repeat last find or replace\n");
- wp1("`Home-C` - toggle case of character `Home-I` - go to line number\n");
- wp1("`Home-O` - refresh screen `Home-P` - enter control character\n");
+ wpn("[`F5`] Setup menu (change defaults) [`F10`] Save text to file and continue\n");
+ wpn("`PgUp/PgDn`, `arrow keys` - scroll text `Insert` - toggle insert/overwrite\n");
+ wpn("`Home-Up/Down` - to top, end of file `Home-Left/Right` - left, right end of line\n");
+ wpn("`Home-B` - word back `Home-F` - word forward\n");
+ wpn("`Home-T` - erase word `Home-Y` - erase line\n");
+ wpn("`Home-N` - insert line after cursor `Home-L` - repeat last find or replace\n");
+ wpn("`Home-C` - toggle case of character `Home-I` - go to line number\n");
+ wpn("`Home-O` - refresh screen `Home-P` - enter control character\n");
if (restricted != 0)
- wp1("`Home-!` - shell escape\n");
- wp1("`Backspace` - delete backwards `Delete` - delete forwards\n");
+ wpn("`Home-!` - shell escape\n");
+ wpn("`Backspace` - delete backwards `Delete` - delete forwards\n");
wattrset(editwin, PROMPTATTR);
- wp1("Strike any key, or F3 to toggle help: ");
+ wpn("Strike any key, or F3 to toggle help: ");
wattrset(editwin, A_NORMAL);
disp_mode = dpage; /* Repaint text */
@@ 264,8 260,6 @@ FKey_scan(void)
- warnflag2 = 0;
- return;
/* -------------------------------------------------
* Home key help
@@ 402,11 396,9 @@ setup(void)
{ wmove(editwin, 0, 0);
if (restricted)
- { wp1("`C`odes, `M`argin, `R`elease, `T`ab, `I`nfo");
- }
+ wpn("`C`odes, `M`argin, `R`elease, `T`ab, `I`nfo");
- { wp1("`C`odes, `F`ilemode, `M`argin, `R`elease, `N`ame, `T`ab, `I`nfo");
- }
+ wpn("`C`odes, `F`ilemode, `M`argin, `R`elease, `N`ame, `T`ab, `I`nfo");
result = promptkey("Setup command: ");
if (result < 255)
@@ 485,11 477,9 @@ block(void)
{ wmove(editwin, 0, 0);
if (restricted)
- { wp1("`B`egin, `E`nd, `C`opy, `M`ove, `H`ide, `D`elete");
- }
+ wpn("`B`egin, `E`nd, `C`opy, `M`ove, `H`ide, `D`elete");
- { wp1("`B`egin, `E`nd, `C`opy, `M`ove, `W`rite, `H`ide, `D`elete, `R`ead");
- }
+ wpn("`B`egin, `E`nd, `C`opy, `M`ove, `W`rite, `H`ide, `D`elete, `R`ead");
result = promptkey("Block command: ");
if (result < 255)
M funcs.c => funcs.c +25 -25
@@ 31,7 31,7 @@ blockhlp(int signum)
{ dohelp(htype, editwin); /* Show in edit window */
wattrset(editwin, PROMPTATTR);
- wp1("Strike any key: ");
+ wpn("Strike any key: ");
wattrset(editwin, A_NORMAL);
@@ 48,7 48,7 @@ quickhlp(int signum)
{ dohelp(QUICK, editwin); /* Show in edit window */
wattrset(editwin, PROMPTATTR);
- wp1("Strike any key: ");
+ wpn("Strike any key: ");
wattrset(editwin, A_NORMAL);
@@ 65,7 65,7 @@ onscrhlp(int signum)
{ dohelp(ONSCREEN, editwin); /* Show in edit window */
wattrset(editwin, PROMPTATTR);
- wp1("Strike any key: ");
+ wpn("Strike any key: ");
wattrset(editwin, A_NORMAL);
@@ 80,17 80,17 @@ void
-wp1("and the annual outlook for such a plan seems reasonably promising. \n");
-wp1("On the other hand, we will have to anticipate further adjustments \n");
-wp1("to the entire project if current trends continue for the rest of \n");
-wp1("the fiscal year. What must be taken into account is the continual \n");
-wp1("fluidity of the marketplace despite predictions of a coming period \n");
-wp1("of stabilization. While the firm has in the past dealt \n");
-wp1("effectively with market forces beyond its control, in the future \n");
-wp1("further attention must be paid to the possible side effects of \n");
-wp1("these forces.\n\n");
-wp1("Another aspect of the problem that must be taken into \n");
-wp1("consideration is the continual growth in significance of nonmarket ");
+ wpn("and the annual outlook for such a plan seems reasonably promising. \n");
+ wpn("On the other hand, we will have to anticipate further adjustments \n");
+ wpn("to the entire project if current trends continue for the rest of \n");
+ wpn("the fiscal year. What must be taken into account is the continual \n");
+ wpn("fluidity of the marketplace despite predictions of a coming period \n");
+ wpn("of stabilization. While the firm has in the past dealt \n");
+ wpn("effectively with market forces beyond its control, in the future \n");
+ wpn("further attention must be paid to the possible side effects of \n");
+ wpn("these forces.\n\n");
+ wpn("Another aspect of the problem that must be taken into \n");
+ wpn("consideration is the continual growth in significance of nonmarket ");
waitkey(); /* Get key */
disp_mode = dpage; /* Repaint text */
@@ 191,20 191,20 @@ infofunc(void)
status(0, "SUE version %s Copyright 1995 Point to Point", suerev);
statprint(COLS - 23, "Author: carson@ppci.com");
wmove(editwin, 0,0);
- wp4(" Editing: `%s` at line `%u` column `%u`\n", txtname, txt_x, txt_y); /* show full name */
- wp2(" Modified: `%s`\n", mod ? "Yes" : "No");
- wp2(" Access: `%s`\n",
+ wpn(" Editing: `%s` at line `%u` column `%u`\n", txtname, txt_x, txt_y); /* show full name */
+ wpn(" Modified: `%s`\n", mod ? "Yes" : "No");
+ wpn(" Access: `%s`\n",
(restricted) ? "Restricted" : "Unrestricted");
- wp2(" File mode: `%s`\n", modestr);
- wp2(" Right margin: `%d`\n", rt_marg);
- wp2(" Hard tab width: `%d`\n", tabdef);
- wp2("Control characters: `%s`\n", cntlflag ? "On" : "Off");
- wp3(" Memory usage: `%ld` bytes `%ld` free\n",
+ wpn(" File mode: `%s`\n", modestr);
+ wpn(" Right margin: `%d`\n", rt_marg);
+ wpn(" Hard tab width: `%d`\n", tabdef);
+ wpn("Control characters: `%s`\n", cntlflag ? "On" : "Off");
+ wpn(" Memory usage: `%ld` bytes `%ld` free\n",
gap_beg - txt_beg + txt_end - gap_end, gap_end - gap_beg - 1);
- wp2(" Baud rate: `%d`\n", baudrate());
- wp2(" Terminal type: `%s`\n", longname());
+ wpn(" Baud rate: `%d`\n", baudrate());
+ wpn(" Terminal type: `%s`\n", longname());
wattrset(editwin, PROMPTATTR);
- wp1(" Strike any key: ");
+ wpn(" Strike any key: ");
wattrset(editwin, A_NORMAL);
waitkey(); /* Get key */
M sue.h => sue.h +5 -7
@@ 352,10 352,8 @@ void edit_init(char *v_name);
/* ===================== GLOBAL MACROS ==================== */
-#define wp1(str1) wclrtoeol(editwin); xwprintw(editwin, str1)
-#define wp2(str1, str2) wclrtoeol(editwin); xwprintw(editwin, str1, str2)
-#define wp3(str1, str2, str3) wclrtoeol(editwin); \
- xwprintw(editwin, str1, str2, str3)
-#define wp4(str1, str2, str3, str4) wclrtoeol(editwin); \
- xwprintw(editwin, str1, str2, str3, str4)
+#define wpn(...) \
+ do { \
+ wclrtoeol(editwin); \
+ xwprintw(editwin, __VA_ARGS__); \
+ } while (0)