
671671b1702728f4bc9de8a7ac958870890e7031 — Adrian Perez de Castro 4 years ago 743011d
README: Bring back text about MULTICALL=0|1
1 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

M README.md => README.md +9 -3
@@ 19,11 19,17 @@ By default all tools are built into a single binary which can be symlinked
with different names to switch between them (àla BusyBox). This is useful
to save space and (to some degree) system memory.

You can build all DMon tools as separate binaries using the `standalone`
target when invoking Make:
You can build all the DMon tools as separate binaries passing `MULTICALL=0`
when invoking Make:

make standalone

Remember to pass the option when doing `make install` as well:

make MULTICALL=0 install