
b643aa7aba38166738b88ae70f9e71ed1203c512 — Anjandev Momi 2 years ago 5b4ff80
change commands for new go-sendxmpp flags
1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

M lib/text.sh
M lib/text.sh => lib/text.sh +5 -2
@@ 16,8 16,11 @@ sending() {
	sxmo_modemsendsms.sh "$CHEOGRAM_NUM" "$SEND_ME" > /dev/null
	# TODO: Why do I need to run the following command outside of shellspec?
	# outside of shellspec ./go-sendxmpp writes the text to file and exits with exit code 0
	#./go-sendxmpp -li "$PHONE_NUM@cheogram.com" 2> sendingdat &
	# outside of shellspec ./go-sendxmpp writes the text to file
	./go-sendxmpp -l > sendingdat &
	sleep 4s
	killall go-sendxmpp
	killall go-sendxmpp
	sleep 2s
	tail -n 1 sendingdat