M spec/text_spec.sh => spec/text_spec.sh +4 -4
@@ 6,11 6,11 @@
Describe 'text.sh'
Include lib/text.sh
It 'Can receive plaintext message pinephone'
- When call recieving "TESTDATA - Testing plain text at $DATE" ShellSpec
- The output should equal "TESTDATA - Testing plain text at $DATE"
+ When call recieving "Receiving plain text at $DATE" ShellSpec
+ The output should equal "Receiving plain text at $DATE"
It 'Can send plaintext message from pinephone'
- When call sending "TESTDATA - Testing plain text at $DATE" ShellSpec
- The output should equal "TESTDATA - Testing plain text at $DATE"
+ When call sending "Sending plain text at $DATE" ShellSpec
+ The output should equal "Sending plain text at $DATE"